Design, Construction, Testing and Market Analysis of an Automated Polyacrylamide Gel Spot-Picking Device

UVP, Inc. Engineering, 2003-04

Liaison(s): Sean Gallagher
Advisor(s): Qimin Yang, Deb Chakravarti (KGI), Brian Aufderheide (KGI)
Students(s): Colin Jemmott (PM), Salvador Carlucci (KGI), Galen Chui, Kyle Kondo, Thomas Lester (KGI)

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis is an efficient way of analyzing complex mixtures of proteins. Hundreds of separated protein spots are mechanically excised from a single gel and characterized by mass spectrometry. Available instruments that automate the spot-picking process are extremely expensive. The team has been entrusted by UVP, Inc. to research and develop such an instrument that will be more affordable. The team will research current contenders in the field, desired features, areas for possible innovation, and develop a prototype system.