Trustee Meeting Resources

The Office of Communications and Marketing has prepared this page to provide access to resources and information to faculty, staff and students presenting during Harvey Mudd College Board of Trustee meetings. If you have questions, please contact Tim Hussey ( or Karen Angemi (

Presentation Templates

The latest version of slide templates that work best in the Shanahan Center rooms are available at provided at Professional Templates. Please use them to draft your presentation for later conversion to Adobe PDF format.

Uploading Your Presentation

Prior to the board meetings, you are required to upload the final version of your presentation in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Presentations will be made to the board using PDFs. The uploaded files will be queued up for projection on the day of the meetings. You do not need to bring copies with you. 

Convert the file you created using the template above by saving it as a PDF, and upload the file using the Board of Trustee File Uploader. If you make changes to your presentation after uploading, simply upload the new file. Be sure to include on the form the name of the meeting for which you are presenting.

Board Book Cover Page Template

Board books must use the cover page template below. If you have questions, contact Karen Angemi (

Telephone Conferencing

The plenary sessions and committee meetings use telephone conferencing. If you need assistance with setting up the conference call line, contact the CIS Help Desk by calling 909.607.7777.

Web Meeting Services

The College maintains an account with for use in web conferencing during trustee meetings. For assistance in setting up a web conference for your committee’s meeting, contact the CIS Help Desk by calling 909.607.7777.

Directors Desk

The College uses Directors Desk to post documents and meeting agendas for the board of trustees. In general, only staff responsible for uploading meeting documents have access to Directors Desk. If you have questions about accessing or using Directors Desk, contact Karen Angemi (