Events by Audience, Students Page 16

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October 28, 2024    
8:30 am - 9:15 am
The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, [...]
October 28, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
The Claremont Colleges Eating Disorder Task Force invites students to celebrate Body Compassion Week from October 28-31! Join HMC’s Peer Health Educators for a pop-up [...]
October 29, 2024    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.
October 29, 2024    
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The overall purpose is to learn more about the experiences others have around a specific topic and build a sense of community. Green Room (Platt [...]
October 29, 2024    
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
A virtual, collaborative panel discussion regarding salary negotiations, presented with HMC alumni.
October 31, 2024 - November 2, 2024    
All Day
Come together as a community, remember loved ones, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this cherished tradition. Bring a picture or item that represents [...]
October 31, 2024    
All Day
Annual Halloween Costume Contest.
November 1, 2024    
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Come have some treats with OID and share the memories of loved ones. Hoch Dining Commons
November 1, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A variety of fun, student-led activities.
November 1, 2024    
9:00 pm - 12:00 am
Off-campus alternatives to on-campus Halloween parties.
November 2, 2024    
9:00 pm - 12:00 am
Off-campus alternatives to on-campus Halloween parties.
November 4, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
An opportunity to share insights, broaden perspectives, and enjoy camaraderie with fellow book lovers. Book club will meet every other week until Dec. 2. Green [...]
November 5, 2024    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.
November 6, 2024    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Drop by OID for some snacks, crafts and conversation to help process election results. OID Office (Platt Living Room).
November 7, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Pool (table not swimming) tournament hosted by the LAC student workers & supervisors.
November 8, 2024    
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
A celebration event to spotlight HMC’s First-gen community. Platt Lawn.
November 8, 2024    
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join the Office of Civic and Community Engagement and the Office of Wellbeing for therapy dogs and self/community care. This event will take place outside [...]
November 8, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A variety of fun, student-led activities.
November 11, 2024    
8:30 am - 9:15 am
The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, [...]
November 12, 2024    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.
November 12, 2024    
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
November 12, 2024    
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The overall purpose is to learn more about the experiences others have around a specific topic and build a sense of community. Green Room (Platt [...]
November 13, 2024    
6:00 am - 9:00 pm
OCCE & Red Cross sponsor blood drive.
November 13, 2024    
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pop-up event for students to learn about financial wellbeing with the Office of Wellbeing and the Office of Career Services. This event will take place [...]
November 13, 2024    
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm
Josh Brake, Sarah Kavassalis, and Kyle Thompson. Aviation Room, Hoch Shanahan Dining Commons.
November 13, 2024    
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Introduction to summer research at Mudd.
November 14, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Reception and dinner to promote interfaith relations.
November 14, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Conversation and information sharing.
November 14, 2024    
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thanksgiving celebration for the HMC community.
November 14, 2024    
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Workshop with OHW staff to understand money and personal finances.
November 15, 2024    
All Day
Wellness Fair co-hosted with CMS Athletics.
November 15, 2024    
2:00 pm
Share ideas and comments with members of the President’s Cabinet.
November 15, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A variety of fun, student-led activities.
November 17, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
This community ensemble will perform traditional music of the Arab world on ‘ud, qanun, tabla, doff, ney, violin and other instruments.
November 18, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
An opportunity to share insights, broaden perspectives, and enjoy camaraderie with fellow book lovers. Book club will meet every other week until Dec. 2. Green [...]
November 19, 2024    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.
November 20, 2024    
All Day
A tabling event to celebrate, educate and support the transgender community with resources, information and solidarity.
November 20, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Hot beverages and pastries with DSA staff, opportunity for students to be introduced or reminded of services and resources.
November 20, 2024    
10:30 pm - 11:30 pm
A series of fun, student-led events and performances. Platt Living Room.
November 21, 2024    
10:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Basketball tournament sponsored by the LAC student workers and supervisors.
November 22, 2024    
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pop-up event for students to learn about career wellbeing with the Office of Wellbeing and the Office of Career Services. This event will take place [...]
November 22, 2024    
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
A series of gatherings with OID staff and special guests to discuss issues related to social justice and current events.
November 22, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A variety of fun, student-led activities.
November 24, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
HMC’s ensemble of metallophones and gongs ring out in performances of works by Lou Harrison and Bill Alves.
November 25, 2024    
8:30 am - 9:15 am
The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, [...]
November 25, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
A pop-up event to engage students with the food pantry and educate the community on food insecurity and available resources.
November 26, 2024    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
A pop-up event to engage students with the food pantry and educate the community on food insecurity and available resources.
Events on October 28, 2024

The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, and critical thinking into our educational practices and learning environments that will help us navigate complex conversations.

Mitchell PDR

The Claremont Colleges Eating Disorder Task Force invites students to celebrate Body Compassion Week from October 28-31! Join HMC’s Peer Health Educators for a pop-up outside the Hoch to explore how to embrace your unique beauty, let go of insecurities, and nurture a positive relationship with your body. There will be uplifting activities like writing positive affirmations on mirrors and creating your own self-care bag.

Events on October 29, 2024

A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.

The overall purpose is to learn more about the experiences others have around a specific topic and build a sense of community.

Green Room (Platt Campus Center)


A virtual, collaborative panel discussion regarding salary negotiations, presented with HMC alumni.

Events on October 31, 2024

Come together as a community, remember loved ones, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this cherished tradition.

  • Bring a picture or item that represents a loved one you’d like to honor from October 31 to November 2.
  • The altar will be located in the Hoch Dining Commons

Whether you’re familiar with the tradition or simply curious, we welcome all members of our community to join us in celebrating life, love, and memory. Your contribution will help make our altar a beautiful reflection of our diverse community.

Annual Halloween Costume Contest.

Events on November 1, 2024

Come together as a community, remember loved ones, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this cherished tradition.

  • Bring a picture or item that represents a loved one you’d like to honor from October 31 to November 2.
  • The altar will be located in the Hoch Dining Commons

Whether you’re familiar with the tradition or simply curious, we welcome all members of our community to join us in celebrating life, love, and memory. Your contribution will help make our altar a beautiful reflection of our diverse community.

Come have some treats with OID and share the memories of loved ones.

Hoch Dining Commons

A variety of fun, student-led activities.

Off-campus alternatives to on-campus Halloween parties.

Events on November 2, 2024

Come together as a community, remember loved ones, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of this cherished tradition.

  • Bring a picture or item that represents a loved one you’d like to honor from October 31 to November 2.
  • The altar will be located in the Hoch Dining Commons

Whether you’re familiar with the tradition or simply curious, we welcome all members of our community to join us in celebrating life, love, and memory. Your contribution will help make our altar a beautiful reflection of our diverse community.

Off-campus alternatives to on-campus Halloween parties.

Events on November 4, 2024

An opportunity to share insights, broaden perspectives, and enjoy camaraderie with fellow book lovers. Book club will meet every other week until Dec. 2.

Green Room, Platt Campus Center.

Events on November 5, 2024

A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.

Events on November 6, 2024

Drop by OID for some snacks, crafts and conversation to help process election results.

OID Office (Platt Living Room).

Events on November 7, 2024

Pool (table not swimming) tournament hosted by the LAC student workers & supervisors.

Events on November 8, 2024

A celebration event to spotlight HMC’s First-gen community.

Platt Lawn.

Join the Office of Civic and Community Engagement and the Office of Wellbeing for therapy dogs and self/community care. This event will take place outside the Hoch.

A variety of fun, student-led activities.

Events on November 11, 2024

The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, and critical thinking into our educational practices and learning environments that will help us navigate complex conversations.

Mitchell PDR

Events on November 12, 2024

A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.

The overall purpose is to learn more about the experiences others have around a specific topic and build a sense of community.

Green Room (Platt Campus Center)



Events on November 13, 2024

OCCE & Red Cross sponsor blood drive.

Pop-up event for students to learn about financial wellbeing with the Office of Wellbeing and the Office of Career Services. This event will take place outside the Hoch.

Josh Brake, Sarah Kavassalis, and Kyle Thompson.

Aviation Room, Hoch Shanahan Dining Commons.

Introduction to summer research at Mudd.

Events on November 14, 2024

Reception and dinner to promote interfaith relations.

Conversation and information sharing.

Thanksgiving celebration for the HMC community.

Workshop with OHW staff to understand money and personal finances.

Events on November 15, 2024

Wellness Fair co-hosted with CMS Athletics.

Share ideas and comments with members of the President’s Cabinet.

A variety of fun, student-led activities.

Events on November 17, 2024

This community ensemble will perform traditional music of the Arab world on ‘ud, qanun, tabla, doff, ney, violin and other instruments.

Events on November 18, 2024

An opportunity to share insights, broaden perspectives, and enjoy camaraderie with fellow book lovers. Book club will meet every other week until Dec. 2.

Green Room, Platt Campus Center.

Events on November 19, 2024

A series of lunch and learn activities with OCS staff and offered to all students.

Events on November 20, 2024

A tabling event to celebrate, educate and support the transgender community with resources, information and solidarity.

Hot beverages and pastries with DSA staff, opportunity for students to be introduced or reminded of services and resources.

A series of fun, student-led events and performances.

Platt Living Room.

Events on November 21, 2024

Basketball tournament sponsored by the LAC student workers and supervisors.

Events on November 22, 2024

Pop-up event for students to learn about career wellbeing with the Office of Wellbeing and the Office of Career Services. This event will take place outside the Hoch.

A series of gatherings with OID staff and special guests to discuss issues related to social justice and current events.

A variety of fun, student-led activities.

Events on November 24, 2024

HMC’s ensemble of metallophones and gongs ring out in performances of works by Lou Harrison and Bill Alves.

Events on November 25, 2024

The focus of this learning community is to learn from each other. The goal is to embed values such as intellectual curiosity, empathy, active listening, and critical thinking into our educational practices and learning environments that will help us navigate complex conversations.

Mitchell PDR

A pop-up event to engage students with the food pantry and educate the community on food insecurity and available resources.

Events on November 26, 2024

A pop-up event to engage students with the food pantry and educate the community on food insecurity and available resources.

Submit an Event

Use the Submit On-campus Events form to add Mudd community events to the calendar.