CS Study Abroad

Why study abroad?

A semester abroad affords students an opportunity to better understand other cultures, develop language skills and study in a new environment. The CS department encourages all students to consider a study abroad experience.

When should you go?

CS majors typically study abroad in the fall or spring of their junior year, although study abroad in the spring of the junior year or fall of the senior year is also possible.

Where do CS majors go?

CS and Joint majors have studied in a variety of programs and countries. We encourage you to speak with your advisor, the department chair and the director of study abroad programs to identify an appropriate study abroad program. Below is a representative sample of schools where our students have studied in recent years, but there are many other possible choices.

  • Australia: University of South Australia, University of New South Wales.
  • France: ESIEE, Paris
  • Hungary: AIT Budapest
  • New Zealand: University of Canterbury
  • South Africa: University of Capetown

Rules for Transferring Credit

Students planning to study abroad should:

  • Submit a request to the study abroad advisor in advance for approval for major courses to be transferred. A letter grade of “B” or better is required for transfer credit for the major. For example, a CS course that is intended to be transferred must be approved by the CS Department Chair, while a math course must be approved by the Mathematics Department Chair. Petition forms are available online.
  • Discuss any HSA credit transfer plans with the HSA academic advisor.
  • For CS majors (or anyone intending to participate in CS clinic) CS 123 must be taken no later than the end of the junior year.
  • Choose a program of study that permits graduation from Harvey Mudd in four years.

The department maintains a partial list of courses that have been approved for transfer in the past.

For Further Advice