Honor Code Resources for Faculty
All members of ASHMC are responsible for maintaining their integrity and the integrity of the College community in all academic matters and in all affairs concerning the community.
–ASHMC Constitution
The HMC Honor Code works best when students and faculty participate fully and create an environment that encourages honesty and cooperation. The resources below should help faculty educate themselves about the Honor Code and has contact information for the student and faculty stewards of the Honor Code.
If You Observe/Suspect an Honor Code Violation
- Contact the Judiciary Board (for academic violations) or Disciplinary Board (for violations related to College policy or social responsibility) as soon as possible. The email aliases jb@hmc.edu and db@hmc.edu will always reach the current JB and DB chairs. The judiciary chair for the 2023-2024 academic year is Tom Lam. The disciplinary chair is Lea Twicken.
- If you are concerned about a student’s well-being you should contact the Dean of the Faculty, Tom Donnelly (donnelly@hmc.edu) and/or the interim vice president for student affairs and dean of students, Cindy Martinez (cmartinez@hmc.edu.) The Division of Student Affairs phone number is 909.621.8125.
- Here is a flowchart of how Honor Code violations are normally dealt with.
- If the student is from off-campus, you will also need to contact the appropriate person at the student’s home campus. Here is the contact information for the other Claremont Colleges. You may wish to work with a faculty advisor who has experience with off-campus Honor Board cases.
If You Want Some Examples of Language for Course Syllabi and Exams
- Talk to your colleagues. We are happy to share!
- Here is a presentation with many examples of Cover Sheets and Syllabi.
- There are examples of language for course syllabi in Appendix 3 of Faculty Notebook.
If You Want Help Navigating an Honor Code Case
- The current JB and DB chairs are always happy to help. They can be reached at the email aliases jb@hmc.edu and db@hmc.edu.
- The Honor Code Committee is developing a Faculty Advisor Program to connect faculty with their peers who are more experienced with the Honor Code. The JB/DB chairs can pair you with a faculty advisor.
- This flowchart of how Honor Code violations are normally dealt with may be of some use.
If You Want Detailed Information on the Honor Code
- Here is an overview of the Honor Code, including a list of the student Honor Board members.
- The HMC Student Handbook contains a detailed description of the Honor Code, the Honor Board, the JB/DB hearing process, etc.
- Here is a short set of penalty recommendations based on a much longer set of past case summaries.
- Faculty obligations to the Honor Code are described in Section 7.6 of the Faculty Notebook.
- Here is a flowchart of how Honor Code violations are normally dealt with and a detailed description of a typical, but fictional, Honor Board hearing.
- Here is the description of the Faculty Advisor program.
For the 2023–2024 Academic Year
- The Judiciary chair is Tom Lam. Email him at tlam@hmc.edu.
- The Disciplinary chair is Lea Twicken Email her at ltwicken@hmc.edu.
- The Honor Code Committee. You may wish to contact them if you have questions about faculty resources (such as this webpage) or general questions about faculty responsibility and roles in the Honor Code.
- The Honor Code Committee during 2023-2024 consists of Prof. TJ Tsai, Xanda Schofield, Gordon Krauss, and Cindy Martinez.
Ultimately, the oversight of the Honor Code lies with the interim vice president for student affairs and dean of students, Cindy Martinez (cmartinez@hmc.edu).