HMC Peer Observation Program (POP)

The Teaching and Learning Committee is offering “POP” (the Peer Observation Program), which we hope will encourage you (the faculty) to participate in peer teaching observation.
We recognize that a faculty member’s time is valuable, so POP provides a formal incentive for peer observation for both the observer and the observed. Of course, as we all know, the greatest reward will be some of the dialogue and learning that results for both parties.
To qualify for the peer observation program, sit in on a class at Harvey Mudd College (with permission from the instructor) that you would not ordinarily attend as part of your teaching responsibilities. We encourage visiting a class taught outside your department. After the class, discuss what you have observed with the instructor. As an incentive, POP funds will pay for:
- Lunch or dinner, if you go for a meal with the instructor. The meal will be reimbursed, up to $40 (total for both instructors, tax and tip).
To get the most out of this program, read our peer observation tips.
If you seek reimbursement for a meal, please give the receipt to Holly Hauck in the Dean of Faculty’s office. The peer observation incentive program is limited to two observations per faculty member per semester while incentive funds last.