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Radiation Safety Program

This page contains information about the Radiation Safety Program at Harvey Mudd College. It includes a copy of the Harvey Mudd College Radiation Safety Manual.

Harvey Mudd College uses radioactive material in its educational program, in modern physics and nuclear physics and, from time-to-time, in radioactive tracer chemistry and biochemistry. The California Department of Health Services, Radiologic Health Branch (RHB), has issued to Harvey Mudd College a license to possess and use radioactive material. This license requires Harvey Mudd College to maintain a well-managed and documented radiation protection program to ensure that radioactive materials are used safely.

For specific questions, please contact:

Radiation Safety Officer
Theresa Lynn
Office: 909.607.4493
Cell: 909.451.3738

Harvey Mudd College Emergency Preparedness and Safety Coordinator
Office: 909.607.2760

Support Materials

Regulatory Standards and Notices