Key/Card Access
Access Control Procedures
The safety and security of the students, faculty, staff, visitors and College property must be paramount when deciding on the merits of issuance of keys or access and the installation of locks. The purpose of this document is to define a system for the issuance, replacement, duplication, and tracking of College keys, locks, and cards pertaining to access control at Harvey Mudd College.
Guiding Principles
Access Control – The Office of Facilities and Maintenance (F&M) shall be responsible for access control at the College. All keys and points of access are, and shall remain, the property of Harvey Mudd College. Improper or unauthorized use, such as reproduction, lending of, or use for entry to non-authorized areas may result in the revocation of access privileges, and may include further disciplinary action. The Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the President’s Cabinet reserves the right to deny access to any person or member of the College community.
Lost Keys
- The replacement fee for a lost, stolen, or unreturned key shall be determined based on the access of the key and the number of locks that must be re-keyed.
- The department for which the holder of the key is assigned will be responsible for any cost associated with re-keying and re-coring of locks due to a lost, stolen, or unreturned key.
Broken or Damaged Keys
- Broken or damaged keys will be replaced only with the return of the broken or damaged key.
Lock Rekey
- Lock rekeys will be determined on as needed basis in consultation with the Department Chair (DC) or Vice President (VP) or their assigned designee responsible for the respective area. All requests for a lock rekey must be submitted to F&M using the on-line work order request form located on the Facilities and Maintenance website.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Office of Facilities and Maintenance (F&M)
F&M administrative staff shall be responsible for the issuance, duplication, and tracking of keys and access, maintenance of the key code and access system, and replacement of College keys and the making of or replacement of lock cores.
- All requests for access must be submitted to F&M using the on-line key and access request form located on the Facilities and Maintenance website.
- Keys and access will not be issued to individuals without proper HMC identification.
F&M plant staff shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of door opening mechanisms, malfunctions related to locks and doors, installation of lock devices, and the installation of cores.
- All access hardware, including door locks, will be installed by College staff, The Claremont Colleges Services staff, or a contractor designated by the F&M plant staff.
- The design and manufacture of all access hardware and door locks will be designated by F&M.
The Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer, who oversees F&M, has the ultimate responsibility and authority for access control.
Department Chairs/Vice Presidents
Each Department Chair (DC) or Vice President (VP) is responsible for authorizing access within their respective area.
- Users will be issued the minimum number of keys and/or access location which will provide access to their area(s) of assignment.
- The Department Chair or Vice President may appoint a departmental access liaison to perform this role on their behalf.
To enhance security on campus, it is recommended that each VP or DC or their designee, with the assistance of F&M administrative staff where needed, perform an annual access audit of their area to determine if there are any missing keys or if access changes are appropriate. Additionally, F&M administrative staff will conduct access audits on a periodic basis on behalf of the College to verify all keys and appropriate access are accounted for VPs and DCs will be notified in advance of any such audit.
Individuals/Key holders
Individuals that are assigned keys or cards are responsible for their security.
- Lost, stolen, or unreturned keys or cards must be reported immediately to the VP or DC of that area and F&M administration.
- Employees leaving the College must return all keys in their possession to their supervisor or F&M administrative staff, no later than their last day of employment. Keys may not be left with or transferred to another employee.
Picking Up Keys/Granting Access: Faculty/Staff
Department Chairs, Vice Presidents or their designee may request keys for their employees via the Key/Access Request form located on the HMC F&M webpage. A picture I.D. must be provided to obtain keys or access cards. In situations of extended absence or other appropriate situations (e.g., leave of absence), DCs and VPs may request temporary deactivation of an employee’s access card. When the employee leaves the College, they are to return all keys as noted in the policy above.
Picking Up Keys/Granting Access: Students
Residence Hall Rooms
The Division of Student Affairs provides F&M administrative staff a current student roster identifying their respective residence hall rooms. A picture I.D. must be provided to obtain keys or access cards.
- First-year student keys/cards are prepared and picked up by the Division of Student Affairs for distribution upon their arrival.
- Returning students will retrieve and check out their keys directly from the F&M Office during regular business hours. Special arrangements for obtaining dormitory keys may be made through the Division of Student Affairs for students arriving after normal business hours. Otherwise, the lockout/after-hour access procedure below applies.
- Students must return all keys to F&M at the end of the academic year and prior to leaving for winter break, either during regular business hours or via the key drop box located in the courtyard of the Platt Campus Center. Keys are checked for accuracy against the student’s key log and recorded as returned. Keys not returned are considered missing, resulting in the student being charged the appropriate rate as identified in the HMC Student Handbook to re-key the room.
- Upon return from winter break, each student may obtain their dormitory key from the F&M during regular business hours. Special arrangements are made through the Division of Student Affairs for early and after-hour arrivals.
Academic and Administrative Areas
When a student requires a key to an academic or administrative area, the DC or VP or their designee shall be responsible for authorizing student access.
- Students will be issued the minimum number of keys and/or access location, which will provide access to their area(s) of assignment. The DC or VP may appoint a departmental access liaison to perform this role on their behalf. All requests for access must be submitted to F&M administrative staff using the on-line Key/Access Request Form located on the HMC F&M webpage. Keys will not be issued to individuals without proper identification.
Residential Card Swipe Policy
- Only students residing behind a door with a card reader are automatically assigned access to that door. All students in a dorm have default access to the common areas of that dorm (e.g., lounge, laundry room, and kitchen).
Temporary Key Check Out
Anyone requiring temporary access to HMC facilities must visit the F&M Office during regular business hours.
- A picture I.D. must be provided to check out keys or access cards.
- For TCC faculty and staff whose I.D. cards use the same technology as HMC, those college cards can also be programmed at the F&M office.
- All vendors and contractors doing work at HMC must check in at the F&M Office and pick up keys, if necessary.
- Keys must be returned to the F&M Office by the close of business on the day of issuance, unless prior arrangements have been made.
Emergency Access/Lockouts/After Hour Access
Faculty, staff, and students should carry their keys and ID cards with them at all times for security and access purposes. In the event of an emergency, lockout, or necessary after-hour access, the following resources are available. A picture I.D. must be provided to allow access.
Regular Business Hours
- Faculty and staff may contact the Office of Facilities and Maintenance.
- Students should contact a proctor for service to the residence halls.
After Hours
- Campus Safety provides staff, faculty, and student emergency access and lock out service for a fee.
- Students should contact a proctor for access to the residence halls.
- During the summer months, students should contact Facilities and Maintenance Summer Student Staff for access to the residence halls.