Hixon Center Faculty, Staff and Affiliates
Meet the Hixon Center Faculty and Staff
Each faculty member of the Hixon Center has an affiliation with a college department and an office located in the Olin Science Center

Lelia Hawkins
Director of the Hixon CenterProfessor of ChemistryHixon Professor of Climate StudiesOlin 1261909.621.8522lhawkins@g.hmc.edu

Sarah Kavassalis
Assistant Professor of Climate and Chemistry Olin 1257Askavassalis@g.hmc.edu

Lynn Kirabo
Maria M. Klawe Assistant Professor of Climate and Computer Science Olin 1253lkirabo@g.hmc.edu

Jessica Guo
Assistant Professor of Climate and BiologyOlin 1255jessicaguo@hmc.edu

Robert Sanchez
Assistant Professor of Climate and Mathematics Joining HMC July 2025

Tom Donnelly
Vice President and R. Michael Shanahan Dean of the FacultySprague 403909.621.8122donnelly@hmc.edu

Nicol Smith
Administrative Assistant for Hixon Center of Climate and the Environment909.607.1421nismith@hmc.edu

Richard Haskell
Burton G. Bettingen Professor of Physics (Emeritus)Director, Physics Clinic (Emeritus)Director (Emeritus), Center for Environmental Studies