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Hixon Center Faculty, Staff and Affiliates

Meet the Hixon Center Faculty and Staff

Each faculty member of the Hixon Center has an affiliation with a college department and an office located in the Olin Science Center

Lelia Hawkins

Lelia Hawkins

Director of the Hixon CenterProfessor of ChemistryHixon Professor of Climate StudiesOlin

Sarah Kavassalis

Sarah Kavassalis

Assistant Professor of Climate and Chemistry Olin

Lynn Kirabo

Lynn Kirabo

Maria M. Klawe Assistant Professor of Climate and Computer Science Olin

Jessica Guo

Jessica Guo

Assistant Professor of Climate and BiologyOlin

Robert Sanchez

Robert Sanchez

Assistant Professor of Climate and Mathematics Joining HMC July 2025

Tom Donnelly

Tom Donnelly

Vice President and R. Michael Shanahan Dean of the FacultySprague

Nicol Smith

Nicol Smith

Administrative Assistant for Hixon Center of Climate and the

Richard Haskell

Richard Haskell

Burton G. Bettingen Professor of Physics (Emeritus)Director, Physics Clinic (Emeritus)Director (Emeritus), Center for Environmental Studies