HSA Faculty and Staff

Department Chair: Darryl Wright
Advising Coordinator: Salvador Plascencia


William Alves

William Alves

Professor of MusicLouisa and Robert Miller Professor of HumanitiesDMA, University of Southern Californiaalves@hmc.edu

Music composition; computer music; alternate tuning systems; gamelan music; abstract computer animation.

Isabel Balseiro

Isabel Balseiro

Professor of Comparative LiteratureAlexander and Adelaide Hixon Professor in the HumanitiesPhD, New York University909.607.2661isabel_balseiro@hmc.edu

Contemporary writers and film makers of Africa and South America; cultural and race studies; film and postcolonial literature.

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Isabel Beavers

Hixon-Riggs Early Career FellowMFA, Tufts University

David Cubek

David Cubek

Professor of MusicJoint music facultyDMus, Northwestern Universitydcubek@g.hmc.edu

Conducting symphonic and operatic repertoire; research on alternative modes of orchestral training and music as an interdisciplinary art form.

Ambereen Dadabhoy

Ambereen Dadabhoy

Associate Professor of LiteraturePhD, Claremont Graduate University909.607.7346ambereen_dadabhoy@hmc.edu

Early modern English literature; Shakespeare; postcolonial theory; East-West encounter.

Marianne De Laet

Marianne De Laet

Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology, and SocietyPhD, University of Utrecht, Netherlandsdelaet@hmc.edu

Social studies of science; cultural anthropology; technology and culture; video game culture; practices of knowledge-making; collaboration and management in big science.

Erika Dyson

Erika Dyson

Associate Professor of Religious StudiesWillard W. Keith, Jr., Fellow in the HumanitiesPhD, Columbia UniversityOffice Hours: Monday 11 a.m.–Noon and Thursday 2–4 p.m. (by appointment only)909.607.0856erika_dyson@hmc.edu

Religion and science; intersections between social-change activism and religion; American religious history; and church and state.

Kenneth Fandell

Kenneth Fandell

Professor of ArtMichael G. and C. Jane Wilson Chair in Arts and the HumanitiesMFA, University of Illinois at Chicagoken_fandell@hmc.edu

Interdisciplinary arts.

Alfred P. Flores

Alfred P. Flores

Associate Professor of Asian American StudiesPhD, University of California, Los Angeles909.627.0453alflores@g.hmc.edu

Pacific Islander History; diaspora; labor; indigeneity; militarization; oral history; settler colonialism.

Anup Gampa

Anup Gampa

Assistant Professor of PsychologyPhD, University of Virginiaagampa@g.hmc.edu

Social psychology of social movements, racism, capitalism and wealth inequality.

Jeffrey D. Groves

Jeffrey D. Groves

Professor of LiteraturePhD, Claremont Graduate School909.607.7346groves@hmc.edu

Nineteenth-century American literature; history of the book; Shakespeare.

Jia Yi Gu

Jia Yi Gu

Assistant Professor of ArchitecturePhD, U.C.L.A.jiayigu@g.hmc.edu

Vivien Hamilton

Vivien Hamilton

Professor of the History of SciencePhD, University of Toronto909.607.7997vivien_hamilton@hmc.edu

History of physics; history of medicine; gender and science; disciplinary cultures in science.

Charles Kamm

Charles Kamm

Professor of MusicJoint music facultyDMA, Yale Universityckamm@g.hmc.edu

Concert choir; chamber choir; music history.

Dede Long

Dede Long

Assistant Professor of EconomicsPhD, Oregon State Universitydlong@g.hmc.edu

Environmental economics; microeconomic theory.

Rachel Mayeri

Rachel Mayeri

Professor of Media StudiesDirector of Hixon Riggs ProgramMFA, University of California, San Diego909.607.0461rachel_mayeri@hmc.edu

Experimental documentary production; motion graphics and animation; history of special effects; genetics and society; ecology and art; history of science and art.

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Salvador Plascencia

Advising CoordinatorAssociate Professor of Creative WritingMFA, Syracuse University909.621.8022splascencia@hmc.edu

Creative writing; The novel as print technology.

David K. Seitz

David K. Seitz

Associate Professor of Cultural GeographyPhD, University of Toronto909.621.8022dseitz@g.hmc.edu

Geographies of citizenship; feminist, critical race and queer theories; affect.

Sarah Stefanos

Sarah Stefanos

Assistant Professor of SociologyPhD, University of Wisconsin, Madisonsstefanos@g.hmc.edu

Paul Steinberg

Paul Steinberg

Professor of Political Science and Environmental PolicyMalcolm Lewis Chair in Sustainability and SocietyPhD, University of California, Santa Cruz909.607.3840paul_steinberg@hmc.edu

International and comparative environmental politics; policy analysis; sustainable development; biodiversity; political science research methods.

David Wilson

David Wilson

Assistant Professor of MusicPhD, University of Chicagodfwilson@g.hmc.edu

Darryl Wright

Darryl Wright

Professor of PhilosophyWillard W. Keith, Jr., Fellow in the HumanitiesChair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the ArtsPhD, University of Michigan909.607.4478darryl_wright@hmc.edu

History of ethics; metaethics; moral and political philosophy.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeriti faculty are retired faculty members who have been awarded special status by the College in recognition of their service.

Hal S. Barron

Hal S. Barron

Professor of History, EmeritusPhD, University of Pennsylvania

U.S. social history; history of rural America; immigration and ethnicity

Tad Beckman

Tad Beckman

Professor of Philosophy, EmeritusPhD, University of California, Berkeley

Nietzsche; environmental philosophy; philosophy of science.

Lisa M. Sullivan

Lisa M. Sullivan

Professor of Economics, EmeritaPhD, University of Toronto

Economic history; history of work and work ethics.


Valerie Jusay

Valerie Jusay

Administrative Coordinator909.621.8022vjusay@g.hmc.edu

Julia Hong

Julia Hong

Arts Directorjlhong@g.hmc.edu

In Memoriam

Gary R. Evans

Gary R. Evans

The department mourns the recent loss of Gary Evans, Emeritus Professor of Economics, who retired in 2020 after 39 years at Harvey Mudd. A full memorial will appear soon on the HSA Blog.