I went to Gary’s office to chat more times than I can remember. After all, we were colleagues for almost 40 years. And, when we finally graduated to become the “old farts” in the department, we had even more to talk about. All good.
Christopher J. Niggle Professsor Emeritus Universstiy of Redlands
Friend, colleague
Gary Evans was a dear friend, colleague and mentor. He was a serious intellectual with a wide range of interests. Although trained as an economist, he was equally conversant with history, literature and film. As a friend, he was always willing to point out a mistake one might be making. We met when he was a student in a course I taught at CSU Fresno; he later served on my dissertation committee at UC Riverside. I miss him very much.
David Coats ’08
Unexpected. He was best when off-roading during his lectures. Sure, the class would start off with 500 slides on government debt. But around slide 25 his lecture would veer off into something far more fiery, interesting, strange, and relevant. Whether it was exorcism, contango in the oil futures market, 30-year fixed home mortgage advice, boondoggles, or Chipotle chicken shacks, you left the lecture with far fuller education than you ever expected from ECON 159: Fixed Income.
You live as long as the last person who remembers you; Prof. Evans will be with us for a very long time.
Mo Dyson
Former student and friend
Gary Evans figured prominently in my life over the last 10 years. I first met him in 2010 via my spouse at a Friday social event put on by the HSA Department.
Fast forward about 7 years to my time as a Pomona College student, Gary was the only reason I passed macroeconomics. His pragmatic approach to teaching, and the real-life examples he gave in class allowed me to grasp the concepts quickly, and through his instruction I also learned the valuable skills of timely investing in and trading stocks!
After I graduated in 2019, I got a job in Mudd’s Financial Aid office & made a point to pop in and chat with him whenever I could. He always took time to engage with me, even if it was on the move as he walked to his next class.
I feel fortunate to have known Gary, and grateful for the lessons he taught me. May his memory continue to be a blessing to all who knew him.
Sean M. Messenger ’15
Professor Evans, his classes, and his outlook were an unexpected highlight of my time at Mudd. He truly cared for his students and enjoyed seeing their accomplishments. He was open, flexible, and always supportive.
I appreciate all my time I had with him, from his candid thoughts on geopolitical affairs to his fascination with bitcoin mining. I’ll cherish my fond memories and wish his family and friends the best! Thank you, Prof. Evans, for everything!
Memories of Gary, Page 2
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Hal S. Barron
I went to Gary’s office to chat more times than I can remember. After all, we were colleagues for almost 40 years. And, when we finally graduated to become the “old farts” in the department, we had even more to talk about. All good.
Christopher J. Niggle Professsor Emeritus Universstiy of Redlands
Friend, colleague
Gary Evans was a dear friend, colleague and mentor. He was a serious intellectual with a wide range of interests. Although trained as an economist, he was equally conversant with history, literature and film. As a friend, he was always willing to point out a mistake one might be making. We met when he was a student in a course I taught at CSU Fresno; he later served on my dissertation committee at UC Riverside. I miss him very much.
David Coats ’08
Unexpected. He was best when off-roading during his lectures. Sure, the class would start off with 500 slides on government debt. But around slide 25 his lecture would veer off into something far more fiery, interesting, strange, and relevant. Whether it was exorcism, contango in the oil futures market, 30-year fixed home mortgage advice, boondoggles, or Chipotle chicken shacks, you left the lecture with far fuller education than you ever expected from ECON 159: Fixed Income.
You live as long as the last person who remembers you; Prof. Evans will be with us for a very long time.
Mo Dyson
Former student and friend
Gary Evans figured prominently in my life over the last 10 years. I first met him in 2010 via my spouse at a Friday social event put on by the HSA Department.
Fast forward about 7 years to my time as a Pomona College student, Gary was the only reason I passed macroeconomics. His pragmatic approach to teaching, and the real-life examples he gave in class allowed me to grasp the concepts quickly, and through his instruction I also learned the valuable skills of timely investing in and trading stocks!
After I graduated in 2019, I got a job in Mudd’s Financial Aid office & made a point to pop in and chat with him whenever I could. He always took time to engage with me, even if it was on the move as he walked to his next class.
I feel fortunate to have known Gary, and grateful for the lessons he taught me. May his memory continue to be a blessing to all who knew him.
Sean M. Messenger ’15
Professor Evans, his classes, and his outlook were an unexpected highlight of my time at Mudd. He truly cared for his students and enjoyed seeing their accomplishments. He was open, flexible, and always supportive.
I appreciate all my time I had with him, from his candid thoughts on geopolitical affairs to his fascination with bitcoin mining. I’ll cherish my fond memories and wish his family and friends the best! Thank you, Prof. Evans, for everything!