Christmas parties at East Dorm – loved singing Christmas Carols, esp. the altered ones like N days of Christmas and the song he wrote called “It ain’t the Money” There truly are things that money can’t buy…
Greg Felton ’85
Stateline, NV (Lake Tahoe)
“Don’t stand under the coconut tree when the shock wave gets up here, stand out in the clear with your finger in your ear…”
Physics lessons through music (in this case, how to prepare for the effects of atomic bomb testing) was just one example of Joe’s gentle but insightful persona.
What should never be overlooked are the effects he had well beyond Claremont. He was, for instance, VERY closely consulted during the formation of Olin College which has, like Mudd and due to Joe’s guidance, become wildly successful right out of the chute.
What a stellar man whom I’m very happy to have known.
Jonathan Mersel ’75
Trustee of Harvey Mudd College
Joe Platt’s wisdom was as subtle as it was deep. Harvey Mudd College became what it was and what it is by Joe’s gentle guidance. As a student, I remember his gentle encouragements. As an alumnus, I could begin to get a glimpse of what he accomplished, and how he did it. From many choices of faculty selection (“Hiring Tom Helliwell was one of the best things I ever did.” Joe told me one Alumni Weekend as Tom was giving a presentation to the enthralled alums.), to ensuring HMC was co-educational from the beginning (“Who would marry a female mathematician?” a founding trustee asked. “I did,” Joe said, ending that discussion.), to providing finance support to the college (some efforts paying off many decades after they were performed), Joe Platt is responsible for improving many of our lives. To that debt, we can but try emulating his spirit.
Nikki Bailey ’96
High school chemistry teacher, CA
I will never forget the kindness of the Platt Family. My freshmen year, I got to meet them at the scholarship luncheon because they had given me a scholarship to attend HMC. I fondly remember their kindness and generosity. Without them, I would not have been able to attend Mudd. Thanks so much!
Greg Hassold ’79
Professor of physics, Kettering University
My first year at Mudd was Joe’s last as president. I’m so glad to have had the chance to experience him… walking around campus, playing guitar. But in hindsight I realize HMC was and is the college he built: challenging, supportive, exploring, ethical. I’m sure I’m not the only teacher trying to bring more of that vision to our own schools. “It ain’t the money, it’s the principle of the thing”.
Memories of Joe Platt, Page 12
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Sue Huffman ’78
Lowell, MI
Christmas parties at East Dorm – loved singing Christmas Carols, esp. the altered ones like N days of Christmas and the song he wrote called “It ain’t the Money” There truly are things that money can’t buy…
Greg Felton ’85
Stateline, NV (Lake Tahoe)
“Don’t stand under the coconut tree when the shock wave gets up here, stand out in the clear with your finger in your ear…”
Physics lessons through music (in this case, how to prepare for the effects of atomic bomb testing) was just one example of Joe’s gentle but insightful persona.
What should never be overlooked are the effects he had well beyond Claremont. He was, for instance, VERY closely consulted during the formation of Olin College which has, like Mudd and due to Joe’s guidance, become wildly successful right out of the chute.
What a stellar man whom I’m very happy to have known.
Jonathan Mersel ’75
Trustee of Harvey Mudd College
Joe Platt’s wisdom was as subtle as it was deep. Harvey Mudd College became what it was and what it is by Joe’s gentle guidance. As a student, I remember his gentle encouragements. As an alumnus, I could begin to get a glimpse of what he accomplished, and how he did it. From many choices of faculty selection (“Hiring Tom Helliwell was one of the best things I ever did.” Joe told me one Alumni Weekend as Tom was giving a presentation to the enthralled alums.), to ensuring HMC was co-educational from the beginning (“Who would marry a female mathematician?” a founding trustee asked. “I did,” Joe said, ending that discussion.), to providing finance support to the college (some efforts paying off many decades after they were performed), Joe Platt is responsible for improving many of our lives. To that debt, we can but try emulating his spirit.
Nikki Bailey ’96
High school chemistry teacher, CA
I will never forget the kindness of the Platt Family. My freshmen year, I got to meet them at the scholarship luncheon because they had given me a scholarship to attend HMC. I fondly remember their kindness and generosity. Without them, I would not have been able to attend Mudd. Thanks so much!
Greg Hassold ’79
Professor of physics, Kettering University
My first year at Mudd was Joe’s last as president. I’m so glad to have had the chance to experience him… walking around campus, playing guitar. But in hindsight I realize HMC was and is the college he built: challenging, supportive, exploring, ethical. I’m sure I’m not the only teacher trying to bring more of that vision to our own schools. “It ain’t the money, it’s the principle of the thing”.