Although I postdate Joe’s active tenure at HMC, I fondly remember how he stayed engaged with the campus until the very end–not to mention enjoying his always-entertaining guitar playing! I am glad that he lived to see his labors come to fruition in the college that we have today.
Jeff Groves
Professor of literature and dean of the faculty, HMC
Joe was an inspiration. Supportive, witty, a wise and entertaining conversationalist, a plain-spoken but visionary leader–we will all miss him, but his presence lives on in the institution he helped to create.
I must add that Joe taught me how to knot a bow tie–that was as enjoyable a tutorial as I ever had.
Jerry Van Hecke ’61
Professor of chemistry, HMC
Many will no doubt record with difficulty on these web pages their numerous remembrances of Joe Platt’s influence on their lives. So too, will it be for me.
I have two personal letters from Joe that I treasure that will only partially convey his impact on me. The first letter contained an offer of employment at Harvey Mudd College, an offer I clearly accepted that has made all the difference. The second letter informed me that the trustees had approved my reappointment with continuous tenure. That statement of fact could of course stand by itself but what makes that letter extremely special was Joe’s additional comment that he was honored to be the bearer of the news. That Joe would add such a remark was characteristic of the caring and personal touches he brought to the HMC family in those early days. Those “touches” made us all proud to be part of this special family. In fact I can still hear Joe begin his remarks at the annual opening of college faculty dinners with “It is great to have the family together again.”
From being placed in the admitted to the Founding Class pile on Jean and Joe’s living room so many years ago, to being now a senior faculty member at HMC, it has been quite a journey all made possible by the vision and wisdom of Joseph Bevan Platt.
Victoria Mudd
Daughter of Henry T. Mudd, granddaughter of Harvey Mudd
This is a very sad day indeed, but grief and relief are combined. Your dad was a great and gracious guy who gave generously to all who knew him. What a great spirit he had! He radiated good cheer, curiosity, intellect and even joy whenever I saw him. I marveled. I would have loved to have heard him teach…great heart and great intellect combined…. how magnificent! It always amazes me that when the great souls of this world age, despite severe physical limitations, they are still able to maintain their joy. I guess that’s how we know they were great and blessed beings. I hold the image of his spirit flying free, meeting up with the other great minds and great souls of our world.
The Platt family is woven into the very fabric of my heart.
Malcolm Lewis ’67
Chair, HMC board of trustees
Joe was such a wonderful person and broadly talented leader. His contributions to getting HMC founded and established as a preeminent college are well known and appreciated. But my most immediate memories are of Joe’s sense of humor, his songs and music, his thoughtfulness and kindness. Knowing and working with Joe was an honor and joy. He will be well remembered and greatly missed.
Memories of Joe Platt, Page 17
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Geoff Kuenning
Professor of computer science, Claremont
Although I postdate Joe’s active tenure at HMC, I fondly remember how he stayed engaged with the campus until the very end–not to mention enjoying his always-entertaining guitar playing! I am glad that he lived to see his labors come to fruition in the college that we have today.
Jeff Groves
Professor of literature and dean of the faculty, HMC
Joe was an inspiration. Supportive, witty, a wise and entertaining conversationalist, a plain-spoken but visionary leader–we will all miss him, but his presence lives on in the institution he helped to create.
I must add that Joe taught me how to knot a bow tie–that was as enjoyable a tutorial as I ever had.
Jerry Van Hecke ’61
Professor of chemistry, HMC
Many will no doubt record with difficulty on these web pages their numerous remembrances of Joe Platt’s influence on their lives. So too, will it be for me.
I have two personal letters from Joe that I treasure that will only partially convey his impact on me. The first letter contained an offer of employment at Harvey Mudd College, an offer I clearly accepted that has made all the difference. The second letter informed me that the trustees had approved my reappointment with continuous tenure. That statement of fact could of course stand by itself but what makes that letter extremely special was Joe’s additional comment that he was honored to be the bearer of the news. That Joe would add such a remark was characteristic of the caring and personal touches he brought to the HMC family in those early days. Those “touches” made us all proud to be part of this special family. In fact I can still hear Joe begin his remarks at the annual opening of college faculty dinners with “It is great to have the family together again.”
From being placed in the admitted to the Founding Class pile on Jean and Joe’s living room so many years ago, to being now a senior faculty member at HMC, it has been quite a journey all made possible by the vision and wisdom of Joseph Bevan Platt.
Victoria Mudd
Daughter of Henry T. Mudd, granddaughter of Harvey Mudd
This is a very sad day indeed, but grief and relief are combined. Your dad was a great and gracious guy who gave generously to all who knew him. What a great spirit he had! He radiated good cheer, curiosity, intellect and even joy whenever I saw him. I marveled. I would have loved to have heard him teach…great heart and great intellect combined…. how magnificent! It always amazes me that when the great souls of this world age, despite severe physical limitations, they are still able to maintain their joy. I guess that’s how we know they were great and blessed beings. I hold the image of his spirit flying free, meeting up with the other great minds and great souls of our world.
The Platt family is woven into the very fabric of my heart.
Malcolm Lewis ’67
Chair, HMC board of trustees
Joe was such a wonderful person and broadly talented leader. His contributions to getting HMC founded and established as a preeminent college are well known and appreciated. But my most immediate memories are of Joe’s sense of humor, his songs and music, his thoughtfulness and kindness. Knowing and working with Joe was an honor and joy. He will be well remembered and greatly missed.