Community Workshop: Envisioning Effective Equity Training at Mudd

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Dear Mudders,

This summer, an FEC (faculty executive committee) subcommittee on diversity, inclusion, and equity, consisting of Nancy Lape and Erika Dyson, worked on various plans and projects aimed at addressing needs that our community members identified last spring, particularly related to diversity training, bias incident reporting, inclusive teaching pedagogy, equitable hiring practices, among others.*

Before the semester becomes too busy, we wanted to make sure to follow up on the suggestion made by several students last semester that we solicit input on what a potential diversity and equity training on our campus should include.

To this end, we are holding a community workshop on envisioning effective equity training at Mudd on Thursday, September 7, from 12-1 pm in Shan 3481. This workshop is open to faculty, staff, and current students. We are currently considering methods for soliciting input from interested alumni and trustees, but do not yet have those mechanisms worked out.

We will spend the hour working together to create a list of ideas that will be shared with the community on the Inclusive Excellence page of the HMC website. We envision this working meeting as the first step toward designing equity training that works for Mudd.

Food will be provided (including vegan and gluten-free options).

Nancy Lape
Erika Dyson
Sharon Gerbode
on behalf of the FEC

*Profs. Lape and Dyson will report out on what they have learned in general about these issues over the summer, and what they are hoping to plan, on the Inclusive Excellence page of the HMC website in the next week.