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Course Evaluation Resources

Sample Remote Learning Questions (Question block A)

  • A1. Did the [INSERT COMPONENT TO BE ASSESSED, E.G. LECTURES, ASSIGNMENTS, ETC] work well in the remote learning format? (Yes, it worked well, It worked somewhat well, No, it did not work well online)
  • A2. What aspect(s) of remote learning is/are the most conducive to your learning? (Open-ended)
  • A3. What aspect(s) of remote learning do you struggle with? (Open-ended)
  • A4. What is one thing you would change about remote learning? (Open-ended)
  • A5. Is there anything that is limiting your ability to participate in remote learning activities? (Y/N)
  • A5.1. If Yes, please describe. (Open-ended)

Sample learning outcome questions (Question block B)

  • B1. How well did you achieve this course’s outcome of: learning to judge the reasonableness of obtained solutions. (1-7 scale)
  • B2. How well did you achieve this course’s outcome of: writing clearly and persuasively to communicate my scientific ideas clearly. (1-7 scale)
  • B3. How well did you achieve this course’s outcome of: explaining and demonstrating the role that analysis and modeling play in engineering design. (1-7 scale)
  • B4. How well did you achieve this course’s outcome of: analyzing phenotypic data and deduce possible modes of inheritance (e.g. dominant, recessive, autosomal, X-linked, cytoplasmic) from family histories. (1-7 scale)
  • B5. How useful to your learning were the group projects?
  1. Do you feel that our ability to read and understand primary literature papers, a key course goal, has improved so far this semester? If not, are there things I might do differently to help with this goal?

Sample Open-ended questions (Question block C)

  • C1. Do you feel that your ability to read and understand primary literature papers, a key course goal, has improved so far this semester? If not, are there things I might do differently to help with this goal?
  • C2. Do you feel you are learning to take a question of interest and develop a hypothesis that you might be then able to test? (We are developing this skill in class through considering hypotheses that others have tested, and in lab by designing your own experiments.) If you feel you are not learning this skill, are there things the instructor might do differently to help you achieve this course goal?
  • C3. Do you feel you are learning some important concepts and information about neuroscience and behavior from multiple different levels of analysis?
  • C4. Do you feel like we are developing a supportive and engaging class community/community of majors? If not, are there ideas you have about how the instructor(s) might better achieve a good classroom environment?
  • Related document: How to Write Learning Outcomes

More Resources

Tips to boost response rates: 

  • Set aside class time and ask your students to take the evaluation in class.
  • Emphasize what evaluations mean to you and your department.
  • Share a particular instance where you changed your approach or subject content based on student feedback.