Dagan Karp

Dagan Karp, PhD, Professor of Mathematics, conducts research in algebraic geometry and mathematics education.
Karp’s disciplinary research in algebraic geometry explores moduli theory and enumerative geometry.This includes toric and tropical geometry, and the application of combinatorial tools in Gromov-Witten theory.
Karp’s research in mathematics education explores critical education theory in post-secondary mathematics education. This includes rehumanization, critical race theory, and anti-oppressive education theory, and the application of critical pedagogy tools in college mathematics.
Karp also works toward diversity, equity, and inclusion in mathematics. He has served Associate Dean for Diversity at HMC, Chair of the Diversity Committee of the Park City Mathematics Institute, member of the Broadening Participation Advisory Committee of SLMath, Chair of the SACNAS National Math Task Force, and co-Founding co-Editor of the eMentoring Network of the AMS.