Mathematics Departmental Awards

The Harvey Mudd Department of Mathematics offers several fellowships and awards to current students seeking to pursue excellence in their studies, research, Clinic projects or educational outreach.

The Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Fellowship

The mathematics department is aware of the fact that many HMC mathematics majors have the ability to complete high-quality research, either independently or in tandem with a faculty advisor. The Giovanni Borrelli Fellowship was created to confer some degree of distinction upon such qualified students as well as to allow them an opportunity to become more intimately involved with scholastic pursuits. Giovanni Borrelli Fellows are expected to pursue research in the year following the award, in particular over the ensuing summer. They may also be called upon to represent the Mathematics Department at various events, such as entertaining invited speakers or serving as student representatives on search committees.

Academic YearWinnersHonorable Mentions
2024–2025Jenna LuoYolanda Ba, Mithra Karamchedu
2023–2024Max Collins, Danny Vargas
2022–2023Emma Zhang
2021–2022Hannah FriedmanDavid Pitt
2020–2021Vibha Rohilla, Madelyn AndersenWill Gilroy
2019–2020Migue Velez, Chai KaramcheduFletcher Nickerson
2018–2019Forest Kobayashi, Ricky Shapley
2016–2017Bo Zhang
2014–2015Lucy Lu
2013–2014Sorathan ChaturapruekJeremy Usatine
2012–2013Kevin O’NeillOlivia Beckwith, Taylor McAdam, Sorathan Chaturapruek
2011–2012Dhruv Ranganathan
Winners of the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Fellowship

The Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Prize

The Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Prize is an annual award presented to rising senior mathematics students who have distinguished themselves scholastically and show promise of contributing in an important way to the mathematical sciences. This award is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check to be delivered to the recipient within one month of the announcement. It is normally not awarded to a winner of the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Fellowship.

Academic YearRecipients
2024–2025Nathan Hasegawa
2023–2024Toby Anderson, Clay Adams
2022–2023Ian Shors, Tomás Aguilar-Fraga
2021–2022Amit Harlev
2020–2021Arie Beaupre, Zoë Bell, Natasha Crepeau
2019–2020Havi Ellers
2018–2019Conner DiPaolo
2017–2018Marissa Gee, Cha Suaysom, Cynthia Yan
2016–2017Abram Sanderson, Dina Sinclair
2015–2016Benjamin Lowenstein, Madeleine Weinstein
2014–2015Tongjia Shi
2013–2014Andrew Patrick Turner
2012–2013Kevin O’Neill
2011–2012Jenny Iglesias, Palmer Mebane, Dhruv Ranganathan
2010–2011Elizabeth Reiland, Jacob Scott
2009–2010Vedika Khemani
2008–2009Hendrik Orem, Theodore Spaide
2007–2008Kenji Kozai, Greg Minton, Brian Rice
2006–2007Marie Jameson, Masanori Koyama
2005–2006Julijana Gjorgjieva, Tyler Seacrest
2004–2005Eric Malm
2003–2004Ariel Barton, David Gaebler
2002–2003Christopher Pries
2001–2002Joshua Greene
2000–2001Ian Weiner
1999–2000Elisha Peterson, Yinan Song
1998–1999Neil Burrell
1997–1998Aaron Archer, Brian Johnson
1996–1997Andrew Walters
1995–1996Darryl Yong
1994–1995Alan Harder
1993–1994Mark Huber, Jennifer Switkes
1992–1993Melissa Aczon
1991–1992Guy Moore
1990–1991Cass Sackett
1989–1990Nikolai Weaver
1988–1989John Friese
1986–1987Keith Saints
1981–1982George Bell, Roger Oba
1980–1981Karl Steinhoff
1979–1980David Fisher, Alec Norton
1976–1977Michael Christ
Winners of The Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Prize

The Stavros Busenberg Prize in Applied Mathematics

The Stavros Busenberg Prize in Applied Mathematics is an annual award presented to rising senior students who show particular promise in the study of applied mathematics. This award is presented in the fall and is accompanied by a cash prize. It normally is not awarded to a recipient of the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Prize or the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Fellowship. The Busenberg Prize is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearRecipients
2024–2025Kerria Pang-Naylor
2023–2024Sasha Rothstein
2022–2023Emme McMullen
2021–2022Solomon Valore-Caplan
2020–2021Ellie Byrnes
2019–2020Carrie Yang
2018–2019Maggie Li
2017–2018Daniel Johnson
2016–2017Nathaniel Leslie
2015–2016Matt Dannenberg, Alec Dunton
2014–2015Yantao Wu
2013–2014Shreyas Kumar
2012–2013Matthew Hin
2011–2012Louis Ryan
2010–2011Andrea Levy, Jeffrey Wong
2009–2010Bob Chen, Bryce Lampe
2008–2009Nadia Abuelezam, Maria Pavlovskaia
2007–2008Andy Leverentz, George Tucker
2006–2007Victor Camacho, James Moore, Daniel Walton
2005–2006Robin Baur
2004–2005Jeffrey Hellrung
2003–2004Michael Vrable
2002–2003Benjamin Bryant, Dmitriy Kogan
2001–2002Timothy Prescott
2000–2001Marco Latini
1999–2000Belinda Fisher, Joel Miller
1998–1999Matthew Fluet, Itai Seggev
1997–1998Jeffrey Miller
1996–1997Kevin Watkins
1995–1996Abigail Brown, Andrew Ross
1994–1995Jon Sorenson
1993–1994Mark Huber, Jennifer Switkes
Winners of the Stavros Busenberg Prize

Henry A. Krieger Prize in Decision Sciences

The Henry A. Krieger Prize in Decision Sciences is an annual award presented to rising senior student or students who show particular promise in probability, statistics, or operations research. It is normally not awarded to a recipient of the Stavros Busenberg Price, the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Prize, or the Giovanni Borrelli Mathematics Fellowship. The Krieger Prize is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearRecipients
2024–2025Arjun Taneja
2022–2023Claire Chang, Justin Jiang, Zooey Meznarich
2021–2022David Webber
2020–2021Bhavana Bheem, Daniela Elizondo, Deyana Marsh
2019–2020Tyler Sam, Sam Tan
2018–2019Nathaniel Diamant, Kinjal Shah
2017–2018Lucius Bynum, Preethi Seshadri
2016–2017Daniel Schmidt
2015–2016Margaux Hujoel
2014–2015Andrew Gibiansky, Crystal Hsu
2013–2014Emily Fischer, Samuel Gutekunst
2012–2013Tracey Luke, Elly Schofield
Winners of the Henry A. Krieger Prize

The Courtney S. Coleman Prize (Sophomore Mathematics Award)

The Courtney S. Coleman Prize is given to rising junior students who excel in mathematics. The award is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearWinners
2024–2025Aanya Pratapneni, Maddie Reeve, Theo Rode, Joshua Zhong
2023–2024Max Collins, Nathan Hasegawa, Yihan Yang
2022–2023Jasper Bown, Emma Zhang
2021–2022Tomas Aguilar-Fraga, Hannah Friedman, Elizabeth Lucas-Foley
2020–2021Amit Harlev, David Webber
2019–2020Feiyang Lin, Kye Shi
2018–2019Hannah Hoffman, Evan Liang
2017–2018Shyan Akmal, Nina Brown, Conner diPaolo, Maggie Li
2016–2017Christopher Hoyt, Cha Suaysom, Cynthia Yan
2015–2016Anna Ma, Dina Sinclair, Josh Tawabutr
2014–2015Reyna Hulett, Bo Li, Ben Lowenstein
2013–2014Matthew Lam, Kyle Shan
2012–2013Sam Gutenkunst, Sorathan (Tum) Chaturapruek
2011–2012Julius Elinson, Taylor McAdam
2010–2011Lindsay Hall, Palmer Mebane, Jack Newhouse
2009–2010Chandler May, Elizabeth (Lizard) Reiland
2008–2009Bob Chen, Vedika Khemani
2007–2008Maria Pavlovskaia, Theodore Spaide
2006–2007Brian Rice, George Tucker
2005–2006Marie Jameson, Holly Johnsen
2004–2005Robin Baur, Julijana Gjorgjieva, Tyler Seacrest
2003–2004Jeff Hellrung, Eric Malm
2002–2003Robert Gaebler, Andrew Niedermaier
2001–2002Christopher Pries, Micah Smukler
2000–2001Joshua Greene, Timothy Prescott
1999–2000Marco Latini, Michael Rust
1998–1999Elisha Peterson, Yinan Song
1997–1998Neil Burrell, Alan Hatakeyama
1996–1997Aaron Archer, Brian Johnson
Winners of the Courtney S. Coleman Prize

The Robert James Prize (First Year Mathematics Award)

The Robert James Prize is given to rising sophomore students who excel in mathematics. The award is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearRecipients
2024–2025Alan Kappler, Louis Ye
2023–2024Yolanda Ba, Mithra Karamchedu, Nicole Wu
2022–2023Kerria Pang-Naylor, Danny Vargas, Laney Goldman
2021–2022Kanalu Monaco, Amy Yuan
2020–2021Kausik Das, Ian Shors, Zoe Tokheim
2019–2020Madelyn Andersen, Amit Harlev, Ryan Martinez
2018–2019Zoe Bell, Mengyi Shan
2017–2018Havi Ellers, Radon Rosborough, Ricky Shapley
2016–2017Adam Busis, Olivia Watkins
2015–2016Daniel Johnson, Cynthia Yan
2014–2015Magda Hlavacek, Abram Sanderson
2013–2014Yaxxi “Lucy” Gao, John Phillpot, Madeleine Weinstein
2012–2013Xiuyuan (Lucy) Lu, Tongjia Shi
2011–2012Tum Chaturapruek, Andrew Turner
2010–2011Connor Ahlbach, Kevin O’Neill
2009–2010Jennifer Iglesias, Palmer Mebane, Dhruv Ranganathan
2008–2009Ryan Muller, Jacob Scott
2007–2008Frederick Johnson, Sara Sheehan
2006–2007Christopher Fox, Benjamin Preskill
2005–2006Greg Minton, Kenji Yoshida
2004–2005Jonathan Azose, Fang-Yuan Chang
2003–2004Robin Baur, Julijana Gjorgjieva
2002–2003Eric Malm, Gwen Spencer
2001–2002Ariel Barton, David Gaebler
2000–2001Adam Bliss, Stephen Haas
1999–2000Joshua Greene, Lara Mercurio
1998–1999Christopher Hanusa, Lih-pang Lu
1997–1998Belinda Fischer, Joel Miller
1996–1997Neil Burrell, Ranjithkumar Rajagopalan
Winners of the Robert James Prize

The Alvin White Prize

The Alvin White Prize is an annual award presented to an HMC student or students who have contributed greatly to the humanistic side of the Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Community and beyond. The award recognizes contributions to making mathematics more accessible and enjoyable, enriching the mathematical experiences at the College, performing mathematical education outreach, and/or the use of mathematics in the service and betterment of humanity. These values embody the spirit of Alvin White’s vision of a kinder, gentler and more humanistic approach to the practice and teaching of mathematics. The White Prize is usually awarded in the spring (if the recipient is a senior) and is accompanied by an award check. If the recipient is not a senior, the award is presented in the fall and is accompanied by an award check.

2024Yolanda BaYolanda embodies the qualities of the White Prize. She has been a catalyst for numerous math activities and has leadership qualities that bring students, staff, and faculty together to have a great time. She has been an absolute force in organizing community events big and small in the department. If Yolanda’s organizing an event, you know it’s going to be THE place to be. Also, her enthusiasm for mathematics is contagious! In light of these varied contributions to the mathematics community we award the Alvin White Prize to Yolanda Ba.
2024Abby SteeleIn light of her manifold contributions to the mathematics community, including tremendous efforts strengthening the Women in Math group through her leadership as President, we award the Alvin White Prize to Abby Steele.
2023Hannah FriedmanIn light of her varied contributions to the mathematics community, including as a valuable contributor to Math AE, sustaining and strengthening the Women in Math chapter, including building community through social events and weekly lunches, and her artistic contribution “Piecewise Puzzles” to the Quod Erat Ars mathematical art exhibit, we award the 2023 Alvin White Prize to Hannah Friedman.
2022Madelyn AndersenFor reviving and sustaining the Women in Mathematics group, organizing several events, and recruiting future leadership, we award a 2022 Alvin White Prize to Madelyn Andersen.
2022Amit HarlevFor spearheading numerous social events and activities to build community among all students studying mathematical sciences we award a 2022 Alvin White Prize to Amit Harlev.
2020Thomas MartinezThe Math Department depends on the Academic Excellence (AE) program to provide crucial support to students taking fundamental math classes, including core math and discrete mathematics. When HMC switched to online instruction after Spring Break, it was not clear that AE would be able to continue as effectively. But led by Thomas Martinez, AE Math continued to function seamlessly to the great benefit of the math students and faculty. Thomas was also selected to be a co-organizer of an international mathematics conference, scheduled for July 2020.
2020Rikki WaltersAn engineering major, Rikki has played a significant role in our summer math program over the last three years. Beyond her outstanding job organizing grading and tutoring, she was instrumental in building community in the program through events such as her legendary Boba and In & Out runs and other weekly activities that earned her the moniker ‘Mama Rikki’. Students and faculty valued her positive energy, enthusiasm, and nurturing spirit that embody the humanistic goals of enriching the mathematical experiences at the College.
2019Aria BeaupreAria was an exemplary researcher for the NSF IMMERSION project, including conducting interviews that helped us secure funding from the Pomona Unified School District to continue the program beyond the term of the grant. During the academic year, in collaboration with Kaitlyn Loop, Aria completed a book on math modeling for principals. She and Athena Li also wrote an article for MAA newsletter describing their experience attending a national math conference and encouraging undergraduates to attend. In 2018 she was hired to build community in the new HMC REU. Her work was especially important for students attending from other schools who did not already have friends on campus. She also has been communicative about her love of mathematics through several efforts, including the great fractal photos on display in the Borrelli lounge. These are just a few of Aria’s many endeavors to make math joyful, accessible, and inspiring in our department, college, community, and beyond and for these reasons we are thrilled to recognize Aria with the Alvin White Prize.
2018Jenny LeeThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Jenny Lee in recognition of her assistance in planning and running the Women in Data Science Conference, her participation in core revision, and for being a general voice of care, concern and great energy to Harvey Mudd’s mathematics community.
2017Kat Dover and Dina SinclairFor their contributions to the math department as AE tutors and as leaders of the HMC Women in Math club, the White Prize is given to Kat Dover and Dina Sinclair.
2016Margaux Hujoel and Aleina WachtelMargaux and Aleina have contributed to the humanistic side of the math community by making math more accessible and enjoyable for both Mudd students and beyond. Along with performing mathematical education outreach and tutoring, Aleina and Margaux worked with organizations like Uncommon Good and spearheaded a local chapter of SACNAS.
2014Jennifer RogersThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Jennifer Rogers to recognize her outstanding efforts to make mathematics accessible and enjoyable. We greatly appreciate your work as the president of the Math Club and your unwavering willingness and ability to re-energize the club by organizing events such as Pancakes with the Profs, Dodgeball, Board Games with the Profs, and the Integration Bee.
2013Samuel GutekunstThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Samuel Gutekunst for his outstanding efforts to make mathematics accessible and enjoyable. Sam is one of our Academic Excellence tutors, he has been a volunteer mathematics tutor for elementary and middle school students, and he continues to tutor high school students in a variety of mathematical subjects. Sam has also worked as a volunteer for the Museum of Mathematics in New York, where he was able to help curate and provide content for a history of mathematics exhibit designed for museum visitors coming from a wide range of mathematical backgrounds.
2013Elly SchofieldThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Elly Schofield, who is known well both to the math department and beyond. She has been an active leader within the HMC Math Club, was a math tutor for HMC’s Homework Hotline and has played an invaluable role as Math Department liaison to the Writing Center. Passionate about mathematics education, Elly worked with third-graders at Chaparral Elementary School in Claremont preparing and delivering mathematics lessons with Professor Orrison. She was one of 15 students chosen to speak at TEDxClaremont Colleges last fall, where she spoke about challenges in mathematics education. She will remain on campus next year developing a MOOC for teaching computer science to secondary school students, and she plans to continue working in education reform beyond that. She is also a proctor in Linde Dorm, a leader in the improv group Duck! which organized an improv show with Mudd faculty, and is a source of encouragement and support to her fellow students.
2012Palmer MebaneThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Palmer Mebane for his numerous efforts to make mathematics enjoyable for so many people. He has shown great dedication to organizing the Caltech-Harvey Mudd Math Competition, mobilizing HMC students to write problems and volunteer for the event, which impacts many students across the Southern California region. In addition, in Palmer’s impressive puzzle blog he demonstrates a great commitment to creating interesting mental challenges that many people worldwide can enjoy.
2011Ryan MullerThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Ryan Muller to recognize his creation of the CalTech/Harvey Mudd Math Competition and the Learnstream system for creating annotated online mathematics courses. The CalTech/Harvey Mudd Math Competition is an annual one-day mathematics competition aimed at high school students. The first competition happened at CalTech in 2010. In 2011 the competition was hosted at Harvey Mudd College. There were over thirty teams and over a hundred students in attendance. Ryan and his friends wrote all the problems, lined up corporate sponsorship (including Mathematica and MathWorks) and brought the competition off without a hitch. Ryan is also deeply interested in the process of learning and how media and technology can be used to enhance learning. From this curiosity was born Learnstream. Ryan has developed software that allows one to link documents and YouTube videos. He videotaped a semester of Analysis I taught by Prof. Francis Su and put it on the web in digestible chunks. He has done an enormous service for his fellow students by creating a review mechanism and resource for these lectures.
2011Nate PinskyThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Nate Pinsky to recognize his enthusiasm for Mathematics and Mathematics Education outreach. Nate has by a mainstay of multiple HMC outreach programs; he has been a tutor for high school students as part of HMC’s Homework Hotline and taught mathematics to third graders at Chaparral High School. Nate has also been an enthusiastic member of the Math Club, an Academic Excellence tutor and is always willing to pitch in and help with departmental events.
2010Alyssa DrayThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Alyssa Dray to recognize her passion and enthusiasm for mathematics education and in particular her efforts in the creation of the new Math 9 course this year. We feel the course benefited immensely from Alyssa’s careful planning and innovations, such as providing individual whiteboards for facilitating group work. We also appreciate Alyssa’s commitment to the Academic Excellence program, where she is known for helping students with patience and diligence.
2010Dmitri SkjorshammerThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Dmitri Skjorshammer in recognition of his leadership as SIAM Chapter and Math Club President, and in particular his efforts in advertising summer research and tutoring opportunities on the web. We also appreciate his efforts in support of the Science Bus program, as a grader his all around positive spirit in support of Mathematics.
2009Natlie DurginThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Natalie Durgin to recognize her infectious enthusiasm for all things mathematical. Natalie reminded many of us about the joys of math on an almost daily basis. As president of the Math Club she organized many events, including a celebration of Pi Day and the first Harvey Mudd Integration Bee. Natalie is presently a mathematics graduate student at Rice University.
2009Sarah FletcherThe Alvin White Prize is awarded to Sarah Fletcher for her leadership both as a head grader and through countless unofficial hours of tutoring in the dormitories. She is a passionate supporter of the Budapest Semester in Mathematics and Mathcamp. Sarah could also be counted on to raise one’s spirits through her willingness to help everyone with their mathematical studies and her amazing baked goods, which always put a smile on the faces of the people around her. Sarah is presently a Mathematics graduate student at Georgia Tech studying Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization.
Winners of the Alvin White Prize

The Chavin Prize

The Chavin Prize is an annual award to HMC students who author papers in the area of the mathematical sciences. This award is presented in the spring, and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearRecipients
2023–2024Clay Adams
2022–2023Kausik Das, Ian Shors
2021–2022Fletcher Nickerson, Kye Shi
2020–2021Zoë Bell, John Lentfer
2019–2020Mengyi Shan
2018–2019Conner DiPaolo
2017–2018Marissa Gee
2016–2017Daniel Schmidt, Bo Zhang
2015–2016Casey Chu, Amzi Jeffs, Joana Perdomo
2013–2014Jaron Patrick Kent-Dobias
2012–2013Taylor McAdam, Elizabeth Sarapata
2011–2012Dhruv Ranganathan
2010–2011Ann Johnston, Max Kutler
2009–2010Alyssa Dray, Hannah Savage
2008–2009Nadia Abuelezam
2007–2008David Morrison, Doug Rizzolo
2006–2007Jon Azose, Victor Camacho
2005–2006Alex Eustis, Julijana Gjorgieva
2004–2005Eric Malm, Jason Murcko
2003–2004Ariel Barton, William Chang
2002–2003Matthew Macauley, Christopher Pries
2001–2002Joshua Greene, Michael Gratton
2000–2001Ian Weiner, Anand Patil
1999–2000Elisha Peterson, Yinan Song
1998–1999Matthew Fluet, Marie Snipes
1997–1998Dylan Helliwell
1996–1997Jeffrey Beck, Kan Yasuda
1995–1996Abigail Brown, Andrew Ross
1994–1995Mirela Trifa
1993–1994Mark Huber, Jennifer Switkes
1992–1993Patrick Jones
1991–1992Jeff Vogel
1990–1991Charles Sackett
1984–1990Nikolai Weaver
1982–1984Gregory Slaughter
1981–1982George Bell
1980–1981Paul Kraght
1979–1980David Fisher, John Velking
1978–1979 (First Year)Michael Prendergast
Winners of the Chavin Prize

The Greever Clinic Award

The Greever Award is awarded annually to students (individually or as a team) who make an outstanding contribution as part of the HMC Mathematics Clinic program. The award is named in honor of Prof. John Greever who played a leading role in the founding of the Mathematics Clinic program in 1973. The Greever Clinic Awards are announced in the spring, and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearStudentsSponsor
2022–2023John Hearn, Ross Hibbett, Khaya Kingston, Makenna Parkinson, Raj Sawhney (Team Award)Center for Strategic and International Studies – CSIS
2022–2023Amber Means, Julianna Schalkwyk, Katie Wu, Qing Yang, Justin Yeh (Team Award)Microsoft Corp.
2021–2022Mia Taylor (Individual Award)Collaborative Drug Discovery Inc – CDD
2021–2022An Nguyen (Individual Award)Harvard Computational Biology
2021–2022Thomas Cintra, Vivian Pou, Kyle Rong, Yuki Wang, Rory Zhao (Team Award)eBay, Inc.
2021–2022Michael Giordano, Shanni Lam, Jack Ontiveros, Shaurya Pednekar, Vibha Rohilla (Team Award)Unified Network Information Services – UNIS
2020–2021No individual or team award was given.
2019–2020No individual or team award was given.
2018–2019Thitaree Tannprasert (Individual Award)Intel Corporation
2018–2019Madison Hobbs (Individual Award)PilotCity
2018-2019Ricky Shapley (Individual Award)Virgin Orbit
2017-2018Daniel Gorelik, Daniel Johnson, Ross Mawhorter, Kyle SuverIntel Corporation
2016-2017Michael Rees (Individual Award)Saracen Energy
2015-2016Reyna Hulett (Individual Award)HRL Laboratories
2015-2016Sean O’Keeffe, Michael Libucha, Ben Lowenstein, Bo Zhang (Team Award)EDR
2015-2016Wenhao Lu, Yossathorn Tawabutr, Ben Johnson, Reyna Hulett, Kilian Fa (Team Award)HRL Laboratories
2015-2016Angela Chin, Lucy Gao, Alison Kingman, Sam Jun (Team Award)Microsoft Corporation
2015-2016Nathan Geldner, Tasman Loustalet, Rowan Zellers (Team Award)NOAA – Alaska Fisheries
2015-2016Allison Barry, Aleina Wachtel, Stephen Schein, Kanak Singh, Rachel O’Neill, Jessica de la Fuente (Team Award)Pharmavite, LLC
2014-2015Crystal Hsu (Individual Award)Environmental Data Resources (EDR)
2014-2015Arianna Perkins (Individual Award)Rapid7, Inc.
2013–2014Yongquian Li, Amanda Llewellyn, Patrick Thomas Meehan, Andrew Gibiansky (Team Award)Palo Alto Research Center – PARC
2012–2013Elly Schofield, Stephanie Porter, Eric Autry, Cori McElwain (Team Award)E. & J. Gallo
2011–2012Lindsay Hall (Individual Award)Shell International Exploration & Production Inc.
2011–2012Kevin Black, Keiko Hiranaka, Leon Liu, Maksym Taran (Team Award)E. & J. Gallo
2010–2011Anak Yodpinyanee (Individual Award)Community of Ordinary Differential Equations Educators – CODEE
2009–2010Christopher Fathauer, Ben Goldenberg, Samuel Just, Daniel Patterson (Team Award)CareFusion
2008–2009Edwin Lei, Rishad Manekia, Kevin Oelze, Jane Pan (Team Award)Chicago Trading Company
2007–2008Nadia Abuelezam (Individual Award)Beckman Coulter, Inc.
2007–2008Maxsim Gibiansky (Individual Award)Southwest Research Institute
2007–2008Logan Gordon, Martin Hunt, Maria Pavlovskaia, Trang Pham, Will Tipton (Team Award)Laserfiche
2006–2007Nate Chenette (Individual Award)Hewlett Packard Labs
2006–2007Douglas Reich (Individual Award)D4 Networks, LLC
2005–2006Reid Howard, Sarah Mann, Susanna Ricco, Hope Runyeon (Team Award)Cardinal Health
2004–2005Brianne Boatman, Durban Frazer, Jeff Hellrung, Katie Lewis (Team Award)Hewlett Packard Labs
2004–2005Jeff Brenion, Kevin Krogh, Theresa Poindexter, Ryan Riegel (Team Award)Applied Biosystems
2003–2004Todd Cadwallader-Olsker (CGU), Luke Finlay (fall), Elizabeth Millan, Andrew Niedermaier, Josh Padgett (Team Award)Sandia National Laboratories
2002–2003David Gleich (Individual Award)Overture Services, Inc.
2002–2003Michael Vrable (Individual Award)Fair, Isaac and Company Inc.
2001–2002Colin Little, Cameron McLeman, Braden Pellett, Simon Tse (Team Award)ViaSat, Inc.
2000–2001Cameron McLeman (Individual Award)Applied Biosystems
2000–2001Natan Bershtel, John C. Chou, Lih-pang Lu, Claire Launay (Team Award)Fair, Isaac and Co.
1999–2000Gregory Rae (Individual Award)HNC Software Inc.
1999–2000Christopher Sherwin (Individual Award)Space Systems/Loral
1998–1999Nathan Jakubiak (Individual Award)Owen Racing Shells
1997–1998James Campbell (Individual Award)Aerojet Electronic Systems Division
1997–1998Patri Forwalter-Friedman (Individual Award)Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
1996–1997Erin Conley (Individual Award)Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1996–1997Jonathan Herzog (Individual Award)Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1995–1996Dana Evans (Individual Award)3Com Corporation
1994–1995Orna Amir (Individual Award)Alliedsignal Automotive
1994–1995Andrew Flint (Individual Award)Northrop Grumman B2 Division Corporation
1993–1994Mark Huber (Individual Award)Alliedsignal Automotive
1992–1993Michael Buksas (Individual Award)USC Information Sciences Institute – ISI
1991–1992John Shortle (Individual Award)Northrop Corporation
1990–1991Robert Davis (Individual Award)Hughes Simulation Systems
1989–1990Jason Nonis (Individual Award)McDonnell Douglas
1988–1989Ratanamuny Ngo (Individual Award)Teledyne Microelectronics
1987–1988Rachel Yeaman (Individual Award)JET Propulsion Laboratory
1986–1987Scott Gorsuch (Individual Award)The Rand Corporation
1986–1987Robert Gould (Individual Award)General Dynamics I
1985–1986Robert Smith (Individual Award)System Development Corporation
Winners of the Greever Clinic Award

The Greever Research Prize

The Greever Mathematical Research Prize is awarded to a Harvey Mudd student majoring in mathematics who has made an original contribution to the theory of mathematics as evidenced by publication in a periodical, book, senior paper, or the like, or in abstract form when the originality of the contribution is attested by the students faculty research supervisor.

An application of known mathematics to a problem in a field of science, technology or engineering would not meet the criteria for this prize.

The prize will be monetary in nature and accompanied with an award certificate. This prize will be awarded to at most one individual student each year, and need not be awarded every year. The selection of the prize recipient shall be made by the tenured faculty of the Department of Mathematics.

In event two or more original contributions are considered for this prize, and are judged to be of equal merit, preference shall be given to a contribution in the general area of topology and geometry. This award is generally presented in the spring, and is accompanied by an award check.

Academic YearRecipients
2023–2024Danny Vargas
2020–2021Chai Karamchedu
2019–2020Forest Kobayashi
2018–2019Karina Cho
2017–2018Cha Suaysom
2016–2017Magda Hlavacek
2015–2016Madeleine Weinstein
Winners of the Greever Research Prize

The RIF Scholarship

2024Noah Leaf
2023Alan Kappler, Olivia Li, Yaoyun Xu, Hua Yuan
2022Aditi Bonthu
2021Robert Bowen, Ana Studart, Eric Zhang
2019May Chotichurangkul
2018Mengyi Shan
2016Adam Busis
2015Natchanon Suaysom
2013Amy Brown, Magda Hlavacek
2012John Phillpot, Patrick Tierney
2009Kevin O’Neill
2008Palmer Mebane, Jennifer Iglesias, Leif Gaebler
2007Daniel Moore
2006Frederick Johnson
2005Carl Gaebler
2004Greg Minton, Brian Rice
2003Daniel Walton
2002Deborah Berg, Chris Erickson
2001Eric Malm
2000Andrew Niedermaier
1999Adam Bliss
1998Joshua Greene
Winners of the RIF Scholarship

The RIF Hutchings Prize for Outstanding Performance in the Putnam Competition

The RIF Prizes are cash prizes awarded to the top three HMC students on the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.

Academic YearRecipientsNotes
2023–2024Adam Tang – Honorable Mention (placed 49th overall)
2018–2019Adam Busis, Shyan Akmal, Evan Liang, Mengyi Shan
2016–2017Adam Busis, Natchanon Suaysom, Shyan Akmal, Ziyang (Young) Zhang
2015–2016Adam Busis, Jordan Haack, Benjamin Lowenstein, Abram Sanderson, Natchanon Suaysom
2014–2015Abram Sanderson, Tongjia Shi,Natchanon Suaysom
2013–2014Sorathan (Tum) Chaturapruek, Spencer Harris, Reyna Hulett, Josh Petrack, Tongjia Shi
2012–2013Sorathan (Tum) Chaturapruek, Peter Fedak, Tongjia ShiSorathan (Tum) Chaturapruek placed fourteenth nationally.
2011–2012Craig Burkhart, Peter Fedak, Peter Fedak, Jenny Iglesias, Palmer Mebane, Kevin O’Neill, Aaron PribadiPalmer Mebane placed thirteenth nationally.
2010–2011Craig Burkhardt, Palmer Mebane, Jackson Newhouse
2009–2010Palmer Mebane, Jackson Newhouse, Theodore Spaide
2008–2009Palmer Mebane, Peter Fedak, Jenny IglesiasPalmer Mebane placed twelfth nationally and received a check from the Putnam Foundation.
2007–2008Greg Minton, Theodore Spaide, Brian Rice
2006–2007Brian Rice, Theodore Spaide, Jonathan Azose
2005–2006Tyler Seacrest, Brian Rice
2004–2005Eric Malm, Jason Murcko, Brian Rice
2003–2004David Gaebler, Andrew Niedermaier, Jason Murcko, Jeff HellrungGaelber, Niedermaier, and Murcko also received checks from the Putnam Foundation for their nationwide fifth place team finish!
2002–2003Jeremy Rouse, Micah Smukler, Andrew Niedermaier, Stephen Haas, Andrew Iannaccone
2001–2002Stephen Haas, Micah Smukler, Joshua Greene
2000–2001Stephen Haas, Karl Mahlburg, David Gaebler, Ari Nieh, Joshua Greene, Micah Smukler, Mark Dean
1999–2000Adam Bliss, Stephen Haas, Yinan Song
1998–1999Ranjithkumar Rajagopalan, David Rudel, Yinan Song

The Jayaweera Prize

The Jayaweera Prize is awarded for outstanding performance in the annual Interdisciplinary Competition in Modeling.

2007Richard Bowen, Kevin Oelze, Hendrik Orem
2006Cris Cecka, Mike Martin, Tristan Sharp
2004Warren Katzenstein, Tara Martin, Michael Vrable, Eli Bogart, Cal Pierog, Lori Thomas
Winners of the Jayaweera Prize

As of 2015, the Jayaweera Prize is no longer active.