Mathematics Resources for Students

The Department of Mathematics maintains a number of resources for students to use, from research to fellowship opportunities.
Student Travel Funds
Other Mathematics Resources
Scholarships and Prizes
Undergraduate Research Resources
7C Resources
- The Institute of Mathematical Sciences was founded in the late 1960s as the graduate division in Mathematics for the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges: Harvey Mudd, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, Pomona, and Scripps. Undergraduate students at the Claremont Colleges can obtain a graduate degree on an accelerated track, working toward the master’s requirements simultaneously with the completion of an undergraduate degree. Recent alumni of the Claremont Colleges can also obtain a graduate degree on an accelerated track. For more information about accelerated master degrees with IMS read about Accelerated Masters here.
Summer Research
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Programs
- REU in Data Science at Harvey Mudd College
- NSF REU List
- AMS REU List
- Steve Butler’s list of REU programs
- REUs in other sciences
Industrial Research
- RIPS program at IPAM at UCLA (Look under “IPAM Summer Programs” for “Research in Industrial Projects for Students”)
Mathematical Biology/Biostatistics
- Math BioSciences Institute summer program at Ohio State
- Biostatistics Summer Institutes (SIBS) at Boston University and North Carolina State University
Other Opportunities
- Park City Math Institute—three-week summer program; look for the undergraduate track.
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Summer Program in Planetary Science (NASA)
Programs for Women
- Institute for Advanced Study Program for Women in Mathematics (for advanced women undergraduates)
- Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
- Edge Program (for graduating senior women going to grad school in mathematics)
International Exchange Programs
Life After College
Graduate Fellowships
- NSF Graduate Fellowship Recent HMC winners: Carl Yerger ’05, David Gaebler ’04, Andrew Niedermaier ’04, Melissa Chase ’03, Nate Eldredge ’03, Daniel Lowd ’03, Andrew Iannaccone ’03, …
- Hertz Graduate Fellowship Recent HMC winners: Joel Miller ’00, Aaron Archer ’98, Kevin Watkins ’98
- Watson Fellowship Recent HMC winners: Gwen Spencer ’05, Tara Martin ’04
- Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowships (for minorities)
- NPSC Graduate Fellowship (for women and minorities) Marie Snipes ’99 (awarded 2004), Carol Meyers Pomona’00.
- NSERC Graduate Fellowship (for Canadian citizens; can study in U.S.) Recent HMC winners: Yinan Song ’00
- Knowles Science Teaching Fellowships for those who want to teach high school science and math
Interesting Pages Based at Harvey Mudd College
- Mudd Math Fun Facts
- Francis Su’s Fair Division Page and Calculator redone by the New York Times
- Odetoolkit
Other Math Resources on the Web
- Mathematical Association of America
- American Mathematical Society
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Topology Atlas, with commentary by Professor Emeritus Mel Henriksen