Acronyms and Terms Used at Mudd
The following list of acronyms (words/abbreviations formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a phrase or series of words) and terms used at Mudd are provided to help inform and bring awareness of resources available to the HMC community. The list is organized alphabetically, please feel free to reach out to the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations at if you have any questions.
AABOG – Association of Alumni Board of Governors. Leadership body of the HMC Alumni Association comprised of alumni volunteers.
AARC – Asian American Resource Center
ABET – Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
AD – Assistant Dean
ADs – On-call assistant deans. Full-time professionals with master’s degrees that live on campus and are trained in emergency response, consulting with additional deans as necessary.
ADAA – Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
ADARSS – Associate Dean, Academic Resources and Student Success
ADC – Academic Deans Committee of the Claremont Colleges. The Committee is made up of the Dean of Faculty from the five, undergraduate Claremont Colleges.
ADFD – Associate Dean for Faculty Development
ADID – Associate Dean of Institutional Diversity
ADREL – Associate Dean for Research and Experiential Learning
AE – Academic Excellence. Program that provides opportunities for students to work together to improve their understanding of concepts in the academic core.
AF – Annual Fund. Provides a way for alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and other friends to make annual gifts to Harvey Mudd College that, when pooled together, provide a significant source of revenue necessary to fund the ongoing operation of the College.
Ally – A visible member of the Claremont Colleges (staff, faculty, student) who is supportive of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual community, and is willing to provide a safe space and a ready ear to anyone concerned with issues of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
API-SPAM – Asian Pacific Islander Sponsor Program at Mudd. A peer mentoring program seeking to provide a solid and diverse foundation of social, political, and emotional support for first-year and transfer students, especially those who identify as API.
APR – Alumni and Parent Relations
ASHMC – Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College
ASP – Admitted Student Program
AVH – Alumni Virtual Hangout. A virtual series featuring Mudd alumni speaking on various career-related topics or other topics of interest. Hangouts are generally open to students, staff, parents, faculty, and alumni.
BAO – Business Affairs Office. Office that consists of administrative, academic and student departments in the areas of Dining Services, Facilities and Maintenance, Financial Affairs, Mailroom, Student Employment and Student Accounts.
BFS – Bernard Field Station. The Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station is an academic resource of the Claremont Colleges, located north of Harvey Mudd College at Foothill Boulevard and Mills Avenue in Claremont.
BLAM – Black Lives at Mudd. A community and celebration for those of African descent and a space for education and ally building.
BOT – Board of Trustees. The ultimate governing body of Harvey Mudd College.
CAP – Committee for Activities Planning. Subsidizes student requested events in the LA area and helps to coordinate transportation so students can get to events.
CCD – Core Curriculum Director
CGU – Claremont Graduate University. One of two graduate universities of the Claremont Colleges.
CIS – Computing and Information Systems. Office that provides client-centered technology services to the HMC community.
Clinic – Refers to the Clinic Program. The Clinic Program pioneered collaboration between education and industry at Harvey Mudd and has been a cornerstone of the curriculum for more than 50 years.
CLSA – Chicano Latino Student Affairs
CMC – Claremont McKenna College. One of the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Colleges.
CMS – Claremont Mudd Scripps Athletics. Joint athletic association that includes athletes from Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd and Scripps Colleges.
CS – Computer Science
DB – Disciplinary Board. Refers to violations related to College policy or social responsibility.
DC – Informal, campus name for Dean Chris Sundberg, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Campus Life.
DCC – Department Chairs Committee
DESI Crew – A club that hosts everything from movie nights to dinners to parties celebrating South Asian culture.
DiffeQ – Differential equations. A math course.
DOF – Dean of Faculty
Double Standard CTF_> 5C Hackers – A student club that gives HMC students interested in cyber security experience in that field by preparing for and participating in Capture the Flag competitions.
DSA – Division of Student Affairs
DUCK – HMC’s own Improv Group
EA – Environmental Analysis – A coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in sciences, engineering and mathematics the opportunity to address environmental issues from a range of perspectives so that they may better understand the impact of their work.
ED – Early Decision. When a prospective student applies for admission earlier than HMC’s regular application date, promising that if accepted they will attend HMC.
EPAIC – Exploring Pan-Asian Identity and Culture. A student club at HMC dedicated to spreading awareness about Pan-Asian challenges.
EPC – Educational Planning Committee. A Board of Trustees Committee.
ESW – Engineers for a Sustainable World – A student club at HMC that engages students in improving environmental, social, and economic sustainability, empowering them to pursue their own interests within this field.
F&M – Facilities and Maintenance. Office responsible for the buildings and grounds of HMC campus, including Office of Emergency and Preparedness Safety.
FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid
FAO – Financial Aid Office
FAST – Future Achievers in Science and Technology. Program that provides high-achieving, college-bound high school seniors with an opportunity to interact with HMC students and professors who share a passion for the STEM fields.
FEC – Faculty Executive Committee. A subcommittee on diversity, inclusion, and excellence.
FEMUnion – Feminist Empowerment and Mudd Union. Seeks to bring students together and provide space and programming involving all genders.
FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Five C’s (5C) – The five, undergraduate Claremont Colleges: Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Scripps and Pitzer Colleges
Grutor – Grader + Tutor. An on campus job for students with responsibilities in grading homework or labs and tutoring for the Academic Excellence program.
Handshake – Career services sponsored platform that enables students and alumni to search for jobs, internships, and new employers.
HCCE – Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment. An interdisciplinary home for all campus efforts related to climate, sustainability, and environmental studies including curricular development, research, and programming.
Hive, The – The Hive. A central hub of the Claremont Colleges where faculty partner to provide learning experiences that move students through ambiguous real-world challenges toward creative solutions.
HMC – Harvey Mudd College. One of the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Colleges.
HMC INQ – The Harvey Mudd College startup incubator.
HOCH – Hoch Shanahan Dining Commons
Homework Hotline – Free, over-the-phone math and science tutoring service provided for students of the local community in grades 4 – 12. Tutors are students of Harvey Mudd College.
Honor Code – A code of ethics based on the premise that, given the chance, people will do the right thing. The Honor Code states that students are expected to act as responsible individuals, to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity both personally and academically and to respect the rights of others.
HR – Human Resources. Office dedicated to providing services, programs and support to the faculty, staff, and student employees of Harvey Mudd College.
HSA – Humanities, Social Science, and the Arts
Huntley – The Huntley Bookstore
JB – Judicial Board. Leadership body of the Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College (ASHMC) that reviews violations related to College policy.
KGI – Keck Graduate Institute. One of two graduate universities of the Claremont Colleges.
KSEA-HMC – Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association-Harvey Mudd College – The organization’s objective is to promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society, foster international cooperation especially between the U.S. and Korea and help Korean-American Scientists and Engineers develop their full career potential.
KSPC – Radio station for the five Claremont Colleges.
LAC – Linde Activities Center. The Ronald and Maxine Linde Activities Center is a hub for activities and wellness on campus.
LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. A certification by the U.S. Green Building Council for energy and environmentally sensitive design.
LGBTQQIA – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual
LOA – Leave of Absence
MARC – Mudd Amateur Rocketry Club – A student club that encourages and oversees construction and use of model (hobby) and high-power rockets and research and work on high-power amateur rocket engineering using skills learned in HMC courses.
MCAPS – Mounsour Counseling and Psychological Services. Center that provides counseling and psychological services to students of the Claremont Colleges.
Mentors- Student leaders and members of the Division of Student Affairs staff that support the Residential Life program by developing a sense of community and serving as peer advisors for both first-year students and sophomores regarding personal and academic issues.
Mobius Society – A community of over 12,000 alumni, parent, student, trustee, faculty, staff and friend donors that have made giving to Harvey Mudd College a philanthropic priority over the years.
MMAD – Mudders Making a Difference – A student organization committed to working with the Office of Community Engagement to provide HMC students an opportunity to volunteer and participate in socially conscious activities.
Muchachos – A group of HMC students who plan student activities throughout the year.
Mudd Alert – HMC’s mass notification system, providing rapid emergency notification to the HMC community during crucial emergency situations.
MUDDCOMPASS – Networking platform that connects students directly with alumni for support as they consider potential career opportunities.
Muddraker – HMC’s student newspaper.
NSA – National Security Agency. National agency that partners with schools and offers internships, research grants and funding for labs and projects.
NSO – New Student Orientation
PALS – Peer Academic Liaisons. Students who work with the Division of Student Affairs who act as a point to academic resources in the dorms for all students and also help first-year and transfer students form good habits and get settled in.
PLC – Parent Leadership Council
POM – Pomona College. One of the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Colleges.
Portal – Refers to the HMC Portal which students use to register for courses, manage their student accounts and view grades.
PRISM – People Respecting Identities and Sexualities at Mudd. An HMC queer-straight alliance.
Proctors – Student leaders and members of the Division of Student Affairs staff that support the Residential Life program by developing a sense of community and are trained in crisis intervention, counseling, first aid, SPR, conflict medication, issues of diversity and multiculturalism, event programming, fire safety and disaster preparedness. They are on call 24/7.
Project Decode – A student organization that seeks to provide a foundation of social and emotional support for first-generation and/or low income students at HMC by fostering community, promoting both academic and professional success, and by organizing events and reaching out to other campuses.
PVHMC – Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center. Regional medical center 4.6 miles from campus that serves residents in eastern Los Angeles and western San Bernardino Counties.
PZ – Pitzer College. One of the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Colleges.
QRC – Queer Resource Center. Seven college resource center serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual, omnisexual, and pansexual communities, as well as allies, at The Claremont Colleges.
RALs – Residential Affairs Liaisons
RES LIFE – Residential Life
Room Draw – Refers to the student dorm room assignment process.
SAC – Student Affairs Committee
SAKAI – The course management system used by all of the Claremont Colleges. All faculty and students, and most staff, have accounts on Sakai.
SCR – Scripps College. One of the five undergraduate colleges of the Claremont Colleges.
Seven C’s (7C) – The seven Claremont Colleges: Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Scripps, and Pitzer Colleges and Claremont Graduate University and Keck Graduate Institute.
SHIP – Student Health Insurance Plan. The Claremont Colleges student health insurance plan.
SHS – Student Health Services. Claremont Colleges centrally located facility that provides patient-centered health care to students enrolled at the Claremont Colleges.
SI – Summer Institute – A program that seeks to increase the leadership development and personal and academic success of students who are underrepresented in science, math and engineering.
Spectrum Yearbook – A student organization that creates and produces a yearbook for the entire school to capture the memories and events that occur every year.
SPLS – Society of Professional Latinos in STEM
SWE – Society of Women Engineers. This student organization shares the mission of the national SWE in being an advocate and catalyst for change for women in engineering and technology.
TCCS – The Claremont Colleges Services. A central coordinating and support organization for the Claremont Colleges.
The Student Life – A monthly newspaper of the Claremont Colleges.
Title IX – A federal civil rights law in the U.S. that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibiting sex-based discrimination in any school or other educational program that received federal money.
WACM – Women of the Association of Computing Machinery
WASC – Western Association of Schools and Colleges. An organization providing accreditation of public and private universities, colleges, secondary and elementary schools in California and Hawaii and other western territories.
Women in Math Club – This student club helps facilitate a relationship between math faculty and students and mentorship from math upperclassmen to curious underclassmen, and emphasizes inclusion of all individual interested in math, with a focus on women and underrepresented minorities.
Women in Physics Club – This student club seeks to create community and support for students who identify with underrepresented genders and who are interested and passionate about physics.