Parent and Family FAQs and Useful Information

How students can seek medical care and Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Information
The following steps are shared from the Division of Student Affairs and provide information to students about what to do should they become ill:
Step 1: Students should first contact their residence hall proctor. If not available, students would then be best served by getting in touch with the Dean on-call.
Step 2: To contact the Dean on-call, start by calling Campus Safety 909.607.2000 and asking to be connected to the HMC on-call Dean. The student could also email the On Call Team at this email address:
They could also email the Dean of Students email address: or call the DSA office 909.621.8125 Monday – Friday 8am-5pm (closed Noon-1pm). Staff in this office can also answer student questions about SHIP insurance.
Please note: There is always a proctor on-call (not necessarily from a student’s specific dorm) as well as a Dean on-call 24/7.
Navigating the health care system
Where does my student go if sick or injured?
Emergency Rooms (ERs) as part of a hospital are the most expensive types of facilities in which to receive care, and should only be used for life-threatening or very serious conditions. Because of the high cost of their services, you will find that your cost-sharing for care in these facilities is greater. If you visit an ER when the condition is not considered an emergency, the wait will be long, the costs will be high, and your insurance costs will be higher. You will be responsible for a co-pay for each ER visit.
Urgent Care Facilities are a cost-effective choice for seeing care for treatment of cold/flu symptoms, infections, sprains/fractures, cuts and bruises, and ear, nose and throat problems in the event that the Health Service is closed. These facilities usually have laboratory and radiology services on-site as well. You will be responsible for a co-pay each time you use an urgent care facility. Generally, no appointments are required and patients are seen in the order they arrive.
Visits to local Doctor’s Offices, as long as they are considered in-network, will generally be paid entirely after a per-visit co-pay. Note that if lab work or tests are performed, or certain services administered, these services may have separate costs. However, these costs are still far less than having the same services performed at an ER. You need to make an appointment to see doctors in this manner.
Walk-in Clinics inside Pharmacies are also an alternative to local Doctor’s offices and no appointment is necessary. Additionally, they can be open weekend and evening hours when other places are closed. You will pay a co-pay when you visit one of these locations.
Student Move-In for Fall 2024
What are the dates for student move-in?
- First-year and transfer students – Thursday, August 22
- Summer Institute (SI) student move-in – Thursday, August 15
- International student move-in – Thursday, August 15
- CMS Athletes – Please contact your student’s coach for move-in date
How long should parents plan to stay on campus?
Informal family programming will occur on move-in day. Parent and family programming will conclude by early evening the same day of move-in.
What size is my student’s residence hall room?
What should my student bring to campus?
What to bring List and other useful move-in information.
Helpful tips: When your student receives their dorm and roommate assignment, they may want to reach out to their roommate to determine what their roommate is bringing, and also research what amenities are available in their dorm, to avoid duplicate items.
Can we ship items ahead of move-in?
Items may be shipped to HMC’s Mailroom in advance of move-in after August 1, 2024. Students should print their name and their mailbox number clearly on each package. Packages will be held in the Mailroom for pick up on the student’s move-in day.
Shipping address:
Student Name, Class Year (i.e. for incoming students ’26) & Mailbox # (if it has been assigned)
Harvey Mudd College
340 E. Foothill Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711-3116
How do we get to campus?
Where can I find a map of Harvey Mudd’s campus?
Where do we park/unload student belongs?
Please park in the lots directly north of the residence halls on the north side of the campus (lots are just below Foothill Boulevard). You will not need a parking permit during the move-in period.
Where does my student check in on move-in day?
Your student will check in at the Linde Activities Center prior to moving into their residence hall.
Where do parents and family check in on move-in day?
Parents and family will check in and pick up a name tag (if pre-registered) or complete a hand written name tag (if not pre-registered) at the Platt Campus Center in the courtyard.
Are there carts or bins to help move my student’s things from car to residence hall?
Yes, there will be carts and/or bins that you can borrow from the Linde Activities Center to help move items from car to residence hall. There will also be support staff on hand to assist in moving items.
My student has food allergies or special dietary needs, whom can I speak to?
Please contact Miguel Ruvalcaba, General Manager of Dining Services by email at or 909.607.0424 to learn about Dining Services’ accommodations for students with dietary restrictions.
Whom can my student contact for student support services, such as accessibility requests or assistance with academic success?
Please contact the Office of Accessible Education at, email:
Where do I go to make a payment on my student’s account?
To speak with a Student Accounts representative, please contact by email or phone 909.621.8107. Office hours are generally M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. If you are on campus and need to visit Student Accounts, please contact the office in advance to make sure a representative is available. The office is located in Kingston Hall, second floor, #233.
My student is having trouble with key card access, where do we go?
The Office of Facilities and Maintenance (F&M) can assist your student with access. Please visit their office located in the Platt Campus Center, basement level (stair access on west side of Platt along outside of building, near Jay’s place. There is an indoor staircase from inside the west wing of Platt (near restrooms).
How do we find other Claremont Colleges and the Honnold-Mudd Library, Huntley Bookstore, etc.?
Please note that visiting the other college campuses is discouraged during move-in, students and families across all of the Claremont colleges will be moving in as well and campuses could be crowded. Feel free to visit the Claremont Colleges’ shared resources including the Huntley Bookstore, Honnold-Mudd Library, Student Health Center, etc. Map of all seven Claremont Colleges.
Does the Huntley Bookstore offer discounts to incoming students?
Yes, Huntley Bookstore offers special pricing on laptops, tablets and more. Huntley Coupon.
First-year Parent and Family Questions
What online resources does Harvey Mudd College have for parents and families? What is the best way for parents and families to keep informed of College events and schedules?
Please visit the Parent and Family Programs and Resources page. Parents and families can also keep informed of Harvey Mudd events by visiting the Harvey Mudd College News webpage. There is also a Facebook group HMC Families, which provides information about College events and happenings, especially for the newest members of our community.
What support is available to assist students with technology on campus?
The Computing and Information Services (CIS) team is available to assist students with technology needs including setting up accounts, credentials, accessing wireless networks and VPN, printing, accessing the student portal, obtaining loaner laptops (if available), and more. Students can contact CIS’s Help Desk by calling 909.607.7777
(Campus ext. 77777) or by sending an email to
What career planning resources are available for helping Harvey Mudd students find internships or complete graduate school/job applications?
The Office of Career Services provides a wide array of services and programs for Harvey Mudd students. Many of their programs will also be helpful to those students planning to attend graduate school, but typically the departments are the primary source of information on graduate school applications. Contact for assistance.
Where can I find the academic calendar and a final exam schedule?
The Academic Calendar and Final Exams schedule are both available on the registrar’s website. Both are available as PDF downloads.
What resources does the Office of Academic Affairs provide? And how do they monitor my student when they are struggling academically?
The Office of Academic Affairs is an administrative office devoted to the academic well-being and success of our talented students. The office supports students in their academic pursuits—intervening when academic difficulties arise—and links them with academic and personal resources on campus while fostering strong ties between faculty and students. The Office of Academic Affairs also directs first-year advising at Harvey Mudd
What counseling or mental health resources are available for students dealing with stress, social issues, emotionally difficult situations, or academic struggles?
Students can meet with the Office of Wellbeing staff for support and referrals. Wellbeing staff also offer programming throughout the year, such as Project Connect which enables students to learn social skills and how to connect and make friends beyond the classroom. Other wellbeing programming includes emotional intelligence seminars, yoga sessions and DSA carnivals.
Monsour Counseling Services has psychologists and psychiatrists on staff who provide services to students from all the Claremont Colleges. For ongoing counseling or therapy, students will typically be referred to providers in the community. The Claremont Colleges have also contracted with TimelyMD, a provider of online medical and counseling services, to offer a telehealth option to all HMC students.
General Parent and Family Questions
When are there breaks in the academic year and what can students do during these breaks?
The Academic Calendar lists the dates of all seasonal breaks. Students may stay on campus during fall break, Thanksgiving break, and spring break. However, residence halls are closed and students must leave campus during winter break.
What shared ride opportunities or public transportation methods exist for students without cars?
Students can rent vans for HMC business (student clubs and organizations, academic requirements, or medical appointments) from the Facilities and Maintenance office. Vans are not for use for strictly personal reasons. Reservations can be made through the Event Management System (EMS) or directly through the Facilities & Maintenance (F&M) office 909.621.8226.
Students can get a free pass for Foothill Transit. Other options include Lyft and Uber.
What occasions are there for me to visit my student on campus?
Family Weekend in February is the best time to visit your student. Contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations Parents Office for more info at 909.621.8436. Otherwise, make arrangements with your student, as they need to register guests who stay overnight.
What services are available in the residence halls?
Every residence hall has WiFi, a laundry room and cleaning services for public spaces. Case, Linde, and South residence halls have communal kitchens for residents to use. Sontag has kitchens in every suite. Atwood has kitchens in efficiencies.
What music resources are available?
There are music practice rooms in the Platt Campus Center that are open to all students.
What do you feel is the proper balance between students coming home and parents and family visiting the campus during the first year?
This is really up to you and your student. Often students will want to come home at every opportunity in their first year and then much less in subsequent years. Ask your student what they prefer and prepare to be flexible.
Do you have an advisor from each department to answer parents’ questions?
Forms granting permission for academic advisors to speak with parents about academic performance are available through the Office of the Registrar and must be signed in person. Forms are not available online or by email.
How does the meal plan system work?
Meal plan options involve “Board Plus” dollars, which can be used for food at any of The Claremont Colleges’ retail sites. The cost and billing of the meal plan is handled by the Office of Student Accounts.
What food options are available outside the main dining hall? Can students take food back to their rooms from the dining hall? Can/should students bring refrigerators and microwaves?
The R. Michael Shanahan Center for Teaching and Learning has a café featuring Starbucks drinks and snacks. Jay’s Place, which is in the basement of the Platt Campus Center, serves pizza, sandwiches, quesadillas and other food and drink. There are cafés around the 5-Cs such as The Coop at Pomona, The Motley at Scripps and The Hub at Claremont McKenna. Students can take their meals out of the dining hall using a reusable clamshell to-go box. Students can also bring refrigerators and microwaves to the dorms, though it’s a good idea to coordinate with roommates and/or suitemates beforehand.
Can items be left in residence halls over breaks?
Students can leave their belongings in the residence hall throughout the academic year. Unless there are special circumstances, they must move out during the summer.
If offered a work-study position as part of the financial aid package, how does the student apply?
Students can go to Handshake to view job opportunities. Once a position is accepted, students must fill out the student employment packet with the Office of Business Affairs.
How do we pay tuition online and monitor finances?
Visit Student Accounts for information about paying online. The eCheck service can also be used to monitor the student’s account. If you have further questions, contact Patricia Wang at 909.621.8107 or
What if my student gets sick?
Student Health Services is available to all Claremont College students. They offer free appointments if scheduled in advance and charge $20 for non-scheduled visits. Student Health Services can perform some medical services and also offer prescription medicine. Residence hall proctors are also a student resource. If emergency healthcare services are needed, students or proctors will call Campus Safety.
If the student is already covered under a parent’s health plan, does the student still need to purchase health insurance coverage through school?
Not if your insurance plan meets certain minimum requirements. Information on requesting a waiver is on the orientation Deadlines page.
What counseling or mental health resources are available for students dealing with stress, social issues or academic struggles?
Students can meet with Michelle Harrison, assistant dean for wellness and residential life, for support and referrals. Michelle can be contacted at Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services has psychologists and psychiatrists on staff who provide services to students of all The Claremont Colleges. For ongoing counseling or therapy, students will typically be referred to providers in the community. The Claremont Colleges have also contracted with TimelyMD, a provider of online medical and counseling services, to offer a telehealth option to all HMC students.
Is there campus security?
Yes, the Campus Safety office serves all The Claremont Colleges.
What emergency procedures does the College have in place?
The Emergency Preparedness and Safety site has information about emergency preparedness, plans and procedures, including the HMC Mass Notification System Mudd Alert which provides rapid emergency notification to the Harvey Mudd community during crucial emergency situations.
Quick Reference Contacts
Our Community page has an A–Z of the College’s offices, departments and other programs.
The Contact page has key phone numbers as well as links to relevant parts of the website.
The Academic Calendar lists key dates and the HMC Calendar shows upcoming events.
Service | Phone | |
Asian-American Resource Center | | 909.621.8639 |
Chicano Latino Student Affairs Center (CSLA) | | 909.621.8044 |
Queer Resource Center (QRC) | | 909.607.1817 |
Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA) | | 909.607.3669 |
Office of the Chaplains | | 909.621.8685 |
Campus Safety | | 909.607.2000 |
Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services | 909.621.8202 | |
Student Health Services | | 909.621.8222 |
Contact Alumni and Parent Relations
Jennifer Green
Executive Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Nicole Ouellette
Associate Director of Development and Volunteer Manager of PLC
Arran McNabb ’06
Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Vanessa Chiu
Associate Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Sabrina Ramirez
Coordinator for Alumni and Parent Relations