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Winter Mechanics Workshop begins

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The Winter Mechanics Workshop begins today. It is for students who want to get a head start on mechanics before the start of the spring semester. [Registration is closed. Interested students should register here using their login.]


Many parents (and some students) have asked whether we will hold the Winter Mechanics Workshop again this year. The answer is yes and the details are laid out below. Students who feel they have a weak background in mechanics and are interested in returning to campus ahead of everyone else should read on.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with some practice on concepts and problems that we know from experience cause difficulty for students with weak backgrounds in mechanics.

What’s the Workshop?

Actually, a lot of fun. We get together at 9:30 in the morning for a modest lecture on one of the basic concepts. Then we turn you loose to work on problems. You can work solo or in small groups. The professor(s) and a team of three student tutors will circulate, answering questions as they arise. At 12:30 we break until dinner. We will supply the food for dinner (Thai, Mexican, … we’ll see) and we’ll eat in the Stauffer lounge. After dinner, we’ll return to the Learning Studio for another three-hour problem session. These are typically broken in the middle by an episode of the Big Bang Theory. Just so you know.

What am I supposed to do in the afternoon?

I’m so glad you asked that question. We will poll you for your preferences and look into arranging afternoon excursions. Like what? Well, to the Laemmle theater for a movie, or to the bowling alley for some ‚Äúmechanics experiments‚Äù, or to putt-putt golf, or ice skating, or …

Wow, that does sound fun. What does it cost?

I was afraid you’d ask that. The cost is about $100, which is the fee for four extra nights of housing in the dorms, which is about $25/night. [Well, that was the price last year. Details are still to be worked out, but the cost won’t be much different.] We’ll handle dinner and snacks; you’re on the hook for breakfast and lunch.

When does it start?

The dorms will open to participants on Tuesday, 14 January 2014; the first workshop session is at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 15 January 2014.

Do I have to attend all the sessions?


How do I sign up?

Space is limited and first priority will go to students who scored below 20 on the diagnostic test from orientation. If you’d like to sign up, visit the sign up form.

You will have to use your login. Please do not ask me to accommodate your personal email address.