Physics Department Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Available

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The Department of Physics of Harvey Mudd College has openings for tenure-track appointments at the assistant professor level, beginning September 2018. We have thirteen full-time members; we graduate about 20 physics majors each year – the majority of whom go on to PhD programs in physics and related fields.

We expect to make two hires, one of which will be an experimental physicist. The other position is open to an experimental, theoretical, or computational physicist. We seek candidates with broad intellectual interests who can excel at teaching outstanding undergraduates and who can establish an active research program involving undergraduates. Current areas of research in the department include biophysics, quantum and nonlinear optics, condensed matter physics, soft matter physics, geophysics, semiconductor physics and the environment, theoretical astrophysics and observational astronomy and cosmology, string theory, general relativity, and theoretical particle physics. We are interested in candidates who can either complement one of our existing areas of research or establish new research areas in the department.

The department and the college place a high value on engaging students from a broad range of backgrounds, and candidates with a demonstrated commitment to reaching a diverse student body and broadening participation in physics are especially encouraged to apply.

For full consideration, applications should be received by 3 November 2017, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. On-campus interviews will include both teaching an upper-division physics class and presenting a research colloquium. Applicants should apply online (using the website, where they should submit: (1) a curriculum vitæ; (2) a statement of teaching experience and interests, as part of which applicants are invited to comment on any experience with or demonstrated ability to effectively teach students from diverse backgrounds; (3) a statement of research interests that describes how undergraduates would be involved in the proposed research; and (4) three letters of reference, at least one of which addresses teaching ability or potential. Please address the cover letter to Professor Theresa W. Lynn, Chair, Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711.

Harvey Mudd College enthusiastically welcomes applications from talented individuals from all cultural backgrounds. The College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer providing access to education and employment without regard to age, race, color, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, disability, or any other characteristics protected by applicable law.