Optical Spintronics for Quantum Information Processing and Magnetic Sensing
Speaker(s): Kai-Mei Fu
The optical detection and control of solid-state spins has exciting applications in the fields of quantum information processing and magnetic sensing. In the first part of the talk I will show how optical pulses can be used to measure the three fundamental relaxation times of electrons bound to donors in GaAs: population relaxation ( T_1 ), inhomogeneous dephasing ( T_2^* ), and homogeneous dephasing ( T_2 ). These relaxation rates can be used to determine the potential a spin system will have as a qubit in a quantum information application. In the second part of the talk I discuss how the unique optical and spin properties of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond can be used to engineer a highly sensitive magnetic sensor. A diamond-based magnetic sensing surface is demonstrated and biological applications for this system are discussed.