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Physics External Graduate Awards

APS Apker Award

Two LeRoy Apker Awards are given annually by the American Physical Society for outstanding achievement in physics by an undergraduate, one for students from PhD granting institutions and one for students from non-PhD granting institutions. The award includes $5000 and a travel allowance to the APS meeting at which the award is presented.

2017Calvin Leung
2006Stephanie M. Moyerman
2003Nathaniel P. Stern
1998Gwendolyn Rae Bell
APS Apker Award Recipients

APS Apker Award Finalist

Two LeRoy Apker Awards are given annually by the American Physical Society for outstanding achievement in physics by an undergraduate, one for students from PhD granting institutions and one for students from non-PhD-granting institutions. These students were selected among the four finalists from non-PhD-granting institutions.

2014Jaron P. Kent-Dobias
2011Neal C. Pisenti
2009Andrew P. Higginbotham
2008Gregory Minton
2004Joseph Checkelsky
APS Apker Award Finalist Recipients

NSF Graduate Fellowship

The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science, mathematics, and engineering in the United States and to reinforce its diversity. A competition is conducted for Graduate Research Fellowships, with additional awards offered for women in engineering and computer and information science. NSF Graduate Fellowships offer recognition and three years of support for advanced study to approximately 900 outstanding graduate students in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences, including the history of science and the philosophy of science, and to research-based PhD degrees in science education. (from

2023Albany Blackburn, Kausik Das, Anna Soper, Eli Weissler
2022Anna Rose Barth
2021Guadalupe Quirarte
2019Maya Martirossyan, Timothy Middlemas
2018Kemper Ludlow
2017Helen L. Fitzmaurice and Jonas Leif Kaufman
2016Jim Wu
2015Robert E. Kealhofer
2014Brendan D. Folie and Sheena K. Patel
2012Julien B. Devin
2011Alyssa Dray, Carolyn M. Meldgin, and David I. Miller
2010Marc A. Badger
2009Samuel W. Skillman
2007Katherine L. Perdue and Andrew R. Wetzel
2006Jeffrey Jauregui, David Liao, Stephanie M. Moyerman, and Ryan S. Yamada
2005Nicholas P. Breznay and Adam E. Pivonka
2004Joseph Checkelsky, David Gaebler, William Steven Kolthammer, Elizabeth J. Main, and Christopher T. Rodolfa
2003Nathaniel P. Stern
2001Michael J. Rust and Paul G. SanGiorgio
1999Alexander C. Johnson, Kevin L. Moore, and Itai Seggev
1998Paul U. Berry, Thaddeus D. Ladd, Wendy R. Panero, and W. Wood-Vasey
1997Steven Lee Johnson and Travis T. Norsen
1993Dario G. Falquier and Cindy K. Harnett
1992Guy D. Moore and Bryan W. Reed
1991Stephen I. Applebaum and Charles A. Sackett
1990Douglas E. Dunston and J. Williamson
1988George S. Park
1987Keith Saints
1986Charles E. Cunningham and Michael W. Redmond
1982James M. Cline
1978Charles Horowitz
1976Carl Hardin
1975Alan D. Chave
1971James G. Richman
1970Gregory L. Campbell, Frederic D. Cohen, and Chris Cunningham
1969Thomas H. Bleakney, Lloyd A. Regier, and E. Torigoe
1968Stanley A. Dodds, William M. Sharp, and Christopher P. Wilson
1967George B. Rothbart and Charles K. Westbrook
1966Dennis H. Eaton and John C. Haugeland
1965Mark P. Goldstein
1963Donald W. Alderman and Lauren R. Mather
NSF Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Hertz Fellowship

2023Anna Soper
2008Peter J. Scherpelz
2005Adam E. Pivonka
2003Nathaniel P. Stern
1998Thaddeus D. Ladd
1996Noah O. Kubow
1994Joseph H. Thywissen
1992Matthew S. McAdams
1988George S. Park
1979Mark A. Muntean
1975Gregory A. Lyzenga
1972Robert S. Howard
1968James A. Ross and William M. Sharp
1967Charles K. Westbrook
1965Eric I. Thorsos
1964Ray G. Helmke
Hertz Fellowship Recipients

Churchill Fellowship

The Winston Churchill Scholarship program was created as Churchill college was being founded in Cambridge for the purpose of bringing outstanding American scholars to England to study for a year after earning a bachelor’s degree. Between twelve and fifteen scholars per year are selected to pursue a program of research and study leading to a master’s degree. The scholarship is worth $44,000 – $50,000 and covers all expenses for the year of study in Cambridge, including up to $1000 support for travel. Eight Churchill Fellows have gone on to win Nobel Prizes.

2021Shion E Andrew
2009Andrew P. Higginbotham
2004Christopher T. Rodolfa
1984A. Middleton
Churchill Fellowship Recipients

Watson Fellowship

2016Natasha Allen
2013Dustin R. Zubke
2009Richard B. Horn
2006Stephanie M. Moyerman
1997Ryan M. Arndt
1991Eric J. Prosser
1990Douglas E. Dunston
Watson Fellowship Recipients

Department of Energy Science Graduate Fellowship

2021Madeleine Carolyn Kerr
2017Jonas Leif Kaufman
2010Andrew P. Higginbotham
Department of Energy Science Graduate Fellowship Recipients

NSF Honorable Mention

2022Winnie U Chu
2021Anna Rose Barth and Madeleine Carolyn Kerr
2020Shifrah Aron-Dine, Henry Louis Fetsch, Ina Claire Flood, and Luis Angel Martinez
2019Shanel Wu
2018Sarah Lau Hale and Adam Lawrence Shaw
2017Nathaniel Allen Leslie and Calvin Leung
2016Matthew Dannenberg, Jaron P. Kent-Dobias, and Michelle L. Vick
2015Carola M. Purser and Paul L. Riggins
2011Hong W. Sio
2007Audrey J. Sederberg
2006Colin V. Parker and Andrew R. Wetzel
2005Adele C. Tamboli
2004Laura [Fisher] Clark, Zoe [Boekelheide] DeCamp, and Andrew T. Grier
2001Robert J. Walters
1996Matthew J. Evans and Noah O. Kubow
1992Kent C. Burr and Patrick M. Ogle
1986John K. Hillier, Michial D. Howell, and Steven R. Spielman
1985Chris Felix and William J. Hovingh
1983Enson Chang, Emily A. Greene, and Michael F. Hundley
1979Roger T. Howe and Mark A. Muntean
1977Kenneth J. Adams, Joseph J. Becker, Deborah A. Konkowski, and David A. Kopriva
1976Craig Watkins
1975Bradley L. Bobbs, H. Hamaker, and Gregory A. Lyzenga
1974Joe Costello, Robert R. Lewis, and Francisco Valdes
1973John Mallinckrodt and Howard T. Onishi
1972Lloyd L. Green and Dolores A. [White] Walters
1971Robert L. Billington, Howard I. Krausz, and Catherine A. [Anderson] Pilachowski
1970John Oakley
1969Arne C. Mortensen and George B. Zimmerman
1968Kenneth Noel [Thomson] Gullekson, Bruce R. Land, and James A. Ross
1966John H. Halperin
1965Michael M. Dworetsky, James E. Enstrom, and Eric I. Thorsos
1964Ray G. Helmke, David V. Jensen, George W. Moore, and Gary A. Welch
1963Michael T. Yates
1962Gregory Milman and Richard G. Olson
1961Robert C. Ashenfelter
NSF Honorable Mention Recipients

Fulbright Fellowship

The Fulbright program for U. S. students aims to foster leadership, learning, and empathy between cultures. Sponsored by the U. S. Department of State and awarded to more than 1300 students annually, a Fulbright scholarship offers U. S. students support for one year of study or research abroad.

2007Kevin S. Mistry
Fulbright Fellowship Recipient

National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship

2017Calvin Leung
2001Robert J. Walters
National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Rockefeller Trial Year Fellowship

1969Henry Brady
Rockefeller Trial Year Fellowship Recipients

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship

2016Shanel Wu
1970Frederic D. Cohen
1963Lauren R. Mather
1962Richard G. Olson
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Recipients