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Physics Internal Awards

Brown Award

The Thomas B. Brown Memorial award for senior research in physics is awarded for research results, originality in conception or in execution of research, diligence, and clarity of oral and written reports.

2024Qing Yang
2023Jiaping Li
2022Rebecca Fallon Chan
2021Shion E Andrew, Anna Rose Barth, and Nicholas Devon Jack Heller
2020Madeleine Carolyn Kerr
2019Colin Mackenzie Adams
2018Adam Lawrence Shaw
2017Nathaniel Allen Leslie
2016Shifrah Aron-Dine and Jim Wu
2015Brett Berger
2014Jaron P. Kent-Dobias
2013Jake R. Fish
2012Kali L. Allison
2011Neal C. Pisenti
2010Vedika Khemani
2009Andrew P. Higginbotham
2008Eric J. Baxter
2006Stephanie M. Moyerman
2005Ryan S. Yamada
2004Joseph Checkelsky
2003Nathaniel P. Stern
2002Michael Schubmehl
2001Michael J. Rust
2000Jason W. Brudvik
1999Kevin L. Moore
1998Gwendolyn Rae [Bell] Porter
1997Steven Lee Johnson and Wendy R. Panero
1996Matthew J. Evans and Noah O. Kubow
1995Deborah E. Smith
1994Matthew Z. Hughes and Joseph H. Thywissen
1993Eric C. Branlund and Christopher L. Coleman
1992Theodore A. Sjodin
1991C. Brown and Charles A. Sackett
1990Donald W. Hoard
1989Regina L. [Dudey] Neiman and Peter G. Tenenbaum
1987Donald C. Scott
1986Christopher E. Saxer
1985David Piehler
1983Michael F. Hundley
1982James M. Cline and Henry C. Kapteyn
1981Erik C. Sowa and William J. Spiesman
1980Lee Fife
1979Joseph G. Shanks
1976Scott E. Fraser and Scott E. Smith
1975Alan D. Chave
1974Francisco Valdes
1973Richard Cline
1972Glenn E. Johnson
1971Robert O. Hettel
1970Chris Cunningham
1969Lloyd A. Regier
1968Ronald H. Campbell
1967Michael B. Simmonds
1966Dennis H. Eaton, Kenneth L. Orloff, and Craig Van Degrift
1965James E. Enstrom
1964Gary A. Welch and Bruce W. Worster
1963Fred F. Tomblin
Brown Award Recipients

Focke Award

The Alfred B. Focke award celebrates excellence in experimental physics research, and is given to the graduating senior who, in the opinion of the Physics faculty, has done the most noteworthy piece of experimental research as a senior project.

2024Matthew Chalk
2023Ella Rose Blake
2022Kaveh Gabriel Pezeshki and Chloe Sarah Taylor
2020Rachel Lim Barcklay and Henry Louis Fetsch
2019Nina M Brown
2018Cai Cash
2017Calvin Leung
2016Kevin Eades
2015Aaron Rosenthal
2014Sheena K. Patel
2013Robert E. Kealhofer
2012Julien B. Devin
2011Brendan D. Folie
2010David A. Berryrieser
2009Ian K. Wright
2008Seán M. Meenehan and Peter J. Scherpelz
2007Emily R. [Hogan] Roberts
2006Colin V. Parker and Daniel T. Strenge
2005Katherine L. Perdue
2004Zoe [Boekelheide] DeCamp and Adele C. Tamboli
2003Jason M. Hogan
2002Nicholas P. Breznay
2001David A. Mann
1999Whittier R. Myers
1998Thaddeus D. Ladd
1997E. Martien
1996Jonathan Tourtellot
1995Samuel K. Sun
1994ChinSung Bae and Jason D. Rhodes
1993Kurt L. Adelberger
1992Bryan W. Reed
1991Stephen I. Applebaum and Douglas T. Ridgway
1989Mark W. Johnson, John A. McNeil, and Ronald John Zasadzinski
1987Phillip C. Harvey and Christopher P. Hickie
1986Steven R. Spielman
1985Matthew J. Carey and Jodi I. [Lamoureaux] Christiansen
1983Glenn S. Sasagawa
1982Joel R. Berendzen
1981Donald J. Holmgren
1980John S. Carr
1979Gregory N. Hassold
1978Gary D. Mohler
Focke Award Recipients

Mindlin Prize

The Mindlin Prize for Innovative Ideas in Science is awarded to the author of the most innovative paper in the sciences.

2023Jiaping Li
2021Anna Rose Barth
2020Matthew Stephen Fox
2019Colin Mackenzie Adams
2018Cai Cash
2017Calvin Leung
2016Shifrah Aron-Dine and Jim Wu
2014Andrew Turner
2006Stephanie M. Moyerman
2005David Liao
2003Jonathan [Pearson] Pearson Magoon and Nathaniel P. Stern
1999Whittier R. Myers
Mindlin Prize Recipients

Wunderlich Prize

Established in 1994 with gifts from the class of 1967 and Jon’s widow, the Jon A. Wunderlich (’67) Prize is awarded to a physics major who has demonstrated remarkable creativity.

2024Lucien Tsai
2022Kaveh Gabriel Pezeshki
2021Anna Rose Barth
2020Catherine Holland Frank
2019Eli Joseph Weissler
2018Andrew Mather Bishop
2017Jonas Leif Kaufman
2016Xinyue Cai
2014Alberto J. Ruiz
2013Christopher D. Cotner
2011Hong W. Sio
2010Alex N. Steinkamp
2008Junbo Park
2007David W. Mar
2005David Liao
2004William Steven Kolthammer
2003Jonathan [Pearson] Pearson Magoon
2001Seth M. Foreman and Jeremy J. Liu
1999Alexander C. Johnson
1998Paul U. Berry
1997Steven Lee Johnson
1996Daniel C. Bradley and Radhika [Sondhi] Sondhi-Bradley
1994Dean E. Dauger
Wunderlich Prize Recipients

Rojansky Writing Award

The Rojansky Writing Award is named for Vladimir (Ro) Rojansky, who came to the College as an emeritus professor after retiring from Union College. Following his death, his wife Milla requested that contributions be made to HMC in lieu of flowers, and the Rojansky Award was created from that seed money. Ro was recognized not only for his work in quantum mechanics, but also for his clear and concise writing. The Rojansky Writing Award is given annually for the outstanding term paper in the sophomore quantum mechanics course, Physics 52.

2023Collin Fitzpatrick and Elena Williams
2022Xiaobei Zhang
2021Coleman Jacob Gliddon and Chaehyeong Park (Pomona)
2019Anna Rose Barth
2018Matthew Stephen Fox
2017Evan Joseph Hubinger
2016Andrew Mather Bishop
2015Brynn Elise Arborico
2014Shifrah Aron-Dine
2013Kevin Hale and Xiuyuan Lu
2012Fangzhao Alex An
2011Taylor McAdam
2010Paul L. Riggins
2009Laura Poindexter
2007Benjamin D. Roig
2006Seán M. Meenehan and Benjamin Diamond Preskill
2005Kevin J. Zielnicki
2004Lia R. Corrales
2003David C. Hambrick
2002Andrew J. Mugler
2001Andrew Iannaccone
2000Zachary B. Walters
1999Jeremy J. Liu
1998John Sanborn
1997Jason A. Fredrickson
1996Thaddeus D. Ladd
1995E. Martien
1993Jason L. Regier
1992Eric G. Furze
1990Sean K. O’Keeffe and Jason D. Rhodes
1989Carol Wawrukiewicz
1987F. Scott Porter
1984Steven R. Spielman
1983Tom Wang
1982A. Middleton
1981Michael F. Hundley
Rojansky Writing Award Recipients

Townsend Award

The John and Ellen Townsend Award is given to the outstanding physics major in Physics 116.

2023Bradley Joseph Gonmiah
2022Jiaping Li
2021Rebecca Fallon Chan
2020Shion E Andrew
2019Cameron Bryce Gray
2018Beili Hu
2017Adam Robert Busis
2016Xinrui Yan
2015Jim Wu
2014Brett Berger
2013Andrew Turner and Yantao Wu
2012Jake R. Fish
2011Julien B. Devin
Townsend Award Recipients

Bell Prize

The Graydon and Louise Bell Prize was created in 1999 in honor of the first member of the HMC physics department and his wife. It is awarded at the start of the fall semester to a senior physics major for outstanding scholarship, creativity, and service.

2023Tanvi Krishnan
2022Albany Eve Blackburn
2021Mariesa Henriette Teo
2020Anna Rose Barth
2019Henry Louis Fetsch
2018Beili Hu and Eli Joseph Weissler
2017Kemper Ludlow
2016Calvin Leung and Yossathorn Tawabutr
2015Jim Wu
2014Zeph Arvanitis
2012Lucas T. Brady
2011Julien B. Devin and Paul L. Riggins
2010Hong W. Sio
2009David A. Berryrieser and Vedika Khemani
2008Andrew P. Higginbotham
2007Peter J. Scherpelz
2006Matthew D. Reed
2005Colin V. Parker
2004David Liao
2003Christopher T. Rodolfa
2002Jason M. Hogan and Nathaniel P. Stern
2001Nicholas P. Breznay and Lara Mercurio
2000Michael J. Rust and Paul G. SanGiorgio
1999Alexander C. Johnson and Whittier R. Myers
Bell Prize Recipients

Physics Community Award

The Physics Community Award is given annually to the student or students who most notably foster a welcoming environment and a sense of community among physics students. This award was established by the physics faculty in 2020 through the Physics Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund.

2023Arianna Meinking
2022Eric Corona and Anna Marie Soper
2021HMC Women in Physics Group
Physics Community Award Recipients

Rojansky Service Award

2005Ryan S. Yamada
Rojansky Service Award Recipient

Outstanding Athlete

1992Eric Charles Johnson
Outstanding Athlete Recipients

Physics Clinic Award

2014Anthony L. Corso
2007Matthew Williams
2001Benjamin D. Hadden
1997Carl W. Coryell-Martin and Antony N. Selim
Physics Clinic Award Recipients

Radley Prize

1992James F. Patterson
1990Robert Knop and J. Williamson
1985William J. Hovingh
Radley Prize Recipients

Brown Award Honorable Mention

1969Scott F. Lange and George B. Zimmerman
1968Stanley A. Dodds and Howard M. Koble
1967Robert E. Kelley and Andrew J. Van Horn
1965Michael E. Gilpin and Eric I. Thorsos
Brown Award Honorable Mention Recipients