Strategic Planning Update—Draft of Propelling Innovation: HMC Strategic Plan 2035

Dear HMC Community:

I’d like to take this moment to thank you again for your work and dedication this semester on developing our next Strategic Plan. 

Starting with our Strategic Planning Information Session on November 30, 2023, followed by hundreds of ideas submitted through our Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results (SOAR) sessions, and strong Working Group and Steering Committee efforts, we have arrived—in one semester—at a draft of “Propelling Innovation: HMC Strategic Plan 2035.” 

This draft reflects the feedback we have received since our community-wide discussions on April 24. We look forward to hearing additional input from the community on this draft. Feel free to be in touch with Karen Angemi if you would like another copy of the full 72-page compilation of the SOAR analysis, Working Group reports and draft plan distributed in advance of those discussions.  

For a bit of fun, you might see if you can spot yourself in the Mudd Minute: Updates on Our Strategic Planning. Please visit our webpage to learn more about the strategic planning process, timeline and work that’s already been done. 

As we move into the summer, our work will continue with specifying the next levels of details for reviewing and implementing this plan. I am truly excited about the journey ahead together. Thank you for your ongoing commitment and support.

Kind regards,


Harriet B. Nembhard
President, Harvey Mudd College