July 30 Update: Survey Now Open

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Dear HMC Community,

As July draws to a close, the Task Force on Clinic and Corporate Partnerships wishes you well and is writing to provide our regular biweekly update.

Short version

The survey for students, staff, faculty and alumni is open now through August 19. Students, staff, faculty and alumni should have received an email this week with a personalized link to the survey. If you do not see it in your in-box, please be sure to check your Spam folder and contact Laura Palucki Blake (lpblake@g.hmc.edu) if you still do not see it. For more information about the survey, please consult the Survey FAQ. A summary of the aggregate results of the survey will be shared in the interim reports published in the fall.  In the meantime, you can learn more about the task force’s work at the Task Force’s website and you can send messages to the Task Force using the email address taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu

Long version

In our conversations with HMC community members and in the comments that we have received, it is clear that Harvey Mudd students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and trustees care deeply about this institution and its tight-knit community.  Furthermore, the importance of the Clinic program and our connections to our corporate partners is evident in the strong feelings expressed about these programs. Even though we sometimes differ in our opinions about how best to implement our mission and values, we share a common belief that what we do here at Mudd matters. The leadership position of Harvey Mudd College within the higher education landscape gives us the opportunity to have an impact that is larger than our small size.  In fact, it is our small, caring and trusting community that can be our greatest strength when we work together towards shared goals. By providing a forum for all Harvey Mudd stakeholders to participate in the conversation about the future of Clinic and corporate partnerships, the Task Force hopes that we can leverage our relationships as we work collaboratively together to envision the future of Clinic and our corporate partnerships.

The next step in this process is a survey for students, staff, faculty and alumni that is open now through August 19. Students, staff, faculty and alumni should have received an email this week with a personalized link to the survey. If you do not see it in your in-box, please be sure to check your Spam folder and contact Laura Palucki Blake (lpblake@g.hmc.edu) if you still do not see it. The purpose of the survey is to capture a snapshot of the current views of HMC community members in preparation for more in-depth conversations in the fall.

If you would like to provide more explanation to any of your responses on the survey or share any additional information with the Task Force, please feel free to use the open-ended question at the end of the survey.  We have heard concerns about the clarity of some of the survey questions, as well as other concerns, and we will be updating our Survey FAQ as needed with responses when appropriate. A summary of the aggregate results of the survey will be shared in the interim reports published in the fall.

In addition to finalizing the survey, the Task Force has been working on gathering additional data from peer institutions and planning for the fall. 

You can learn more about the task force’s work at the Task Force’s website, which includes an archive of the messages sent to the HMC community from the Task Force. You can send messages to the entire Task Force using the email address taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu.  

Thank you for your time and attention to the survey.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards from The Task Force on Clinic and Corporate Partnerships

Task Force Members


Avani Anne ’25
Alina Scholz ’25
Ivan Dudiak ’26
McKenna McMurray ’26
Sadhvi Narayanan ’27
Aabhas Senapati ’27


Mo Kyn ’24
Kathy French ’97, President, Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABOG)


Shannon Braun, Director of Career Services
Colleen Coxe, Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Research and Projects
Kim Nykanen, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students


Zach Dodds, Professor of Computer Science and Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Chair of Computer Science
Erika Dyson, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Willard W. Keith Jr. Fellow in the Humanities
Karl Haushalter, Seeley W. Mudd Professor of Chemistry and Biology and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Co-chair of the Task Force
Sarah Kavassalis, Assistant Professor of Climate and Chemistry
Leah Mendelson, Associate Professor of Engineering
Talithia Williams, Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Clinic Director, Co-chair of the Task Force


Doo Chung ’11, Member, Board of Trustees
Michael Schubmehl ’02, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees