HMC Strategy: 2024–2033

Version 2.1 Draft, September 30, 2024

Our Mission

Harvey Mudd College seeks to educate engineers, scientists and mathematicians well versed in all of these areas and in the humanities, social sciences and the arts so that they may assume leadership in their fields with a clear understanding of the impact of their work on society.

The World Needs Harvey Mudd

The decade before the founding of Harvey Mudd College in 1955 was marked by extraordinary developments—the first electronic computer (UNIVAC), color television broadcasting, the transistor, the photovoltaic cell, and the first surgically implanted artificial heart valve as well as medications to address key health challenges such as asthma, hypertension and Rheumatoid arthritis. Amid a Cold War with Russia and the race to space, pioneering artificial satellites were launched, enabled by developments in ballistic missile capabilities and thermonuclear weapons. 

Our nation’s leaders recognized the need for a new generation of scientific and technological leaders who could explore innovative solutions to the unprecedented challenges facing society, including human spaceflight to the moon.

They wanted leaders who could stand at the intersection of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering and computing and help their teams develop new, human-centered solutions to these novel problems. They wanted innovative problem solvers who could work across disciplines and across cultures so that they could grapple with the why and ask the bold questions required to find innovative solutions. 

Back in Claremont, California, our founders believed that integrating the humanities, social sciences, and arts into a rigorous and cross-disciplinary undergraduate STEM curriculum was key to creating this next generation of well-rounded leaders and compassionate problem solvers. They believed it could help students to understand how these relationships can impact their work—relationships not just between the liberal arts and the STEM disciplines, but also between their work and its impact on society as well as how societal pressures often influence which technologies and scientific discoveries are developed, and for whom. 

Their idea was an innovative concept in undergraduate STEM higher education. It would focus on students. It would center the importance of strong undergraduate teaching within hands-on learning to build students’ capability to innovate and solve problems. The curriculum would explore the linkages and tensions between science and engineering on the one hand and the human condition on the other. 

The first public announcement of this new college described it as “a new college of liberal arts emphasizing basic science and engineering.” To this day, we proudly refer to ourselves as the liberal arts college of science and engineering.

Despite its small size, Harvey Mudd College has had an outsized impact on STEM higher education in this country. That’s because our focus has always been our students

Our faculty are passionate about teaching and providing the best undergraduate educational experiences to prepare students to become successful in whatever path they choose. Since the College’s earliest days, faculty have explored and studied new pedagogical approaches to help students learn, grow and thrive. 

More than 60 years ago, faculty created a unique approach to engineering education that partnered industry with undergraduate student teams to solve real-world problems. This innovative, experience-based course model would be adopted by other academic departments on our campus as well as by colleges and universities around the world. Connecting industry partners with our students to solve real-world problems allowed us to teach students how to lead and manage teams, ideate and develop innovative solutions, develop written and oral presentations, and translate their discoveries for both technical and nontechnical audiences. 

Over the last 15 years, faculty members have redesigned curricular and co-curricular approaches in computer science, engineering and our other departments to diversify STEM education and eliminate historical, gender-based gaps in course performance among our students. These advances in teaching have become models for other larger colleges and universities across the country. Back in 2014, we were the first educational institution of our kind to achieve gender parity in STEM, and we have actively worked to recruit and support students from a wide range of backgrounds, ensuring that different perspectives are represented and valued.

In the last few years, we’ve begun developing a new, innovative approach to preparing future STEM leaders to address climate change through joint major programs that partner STEM disciplines with deep study in climate science and policy. 

Throughout our history, the Harvey Mudd College community has reached across disciplines and across departments to collaborate and develop unique solutions to help prepare our students so they can go on to lead and to address the greatest challenges facing our world. 

Each one of us believes in living our mission every day. 

Our faculty collaborate across disciplines to develop innovative curricular approaches that strengthen learning outcomes for all students. They live our mission by exploring and advancing pedagogical improvements and sharing what they’ve learned so that others can benefit from their innovations in teaching. They also understand the critical importance of research and practical, hands-on learning as keys to deepening our students’ understanding of STEM disciplines and fueling their innovative problem-solving. 

Our students throw themselves into a rigorous STEM curriculum that demands they collaborate to be successful. They begin with a foundational Core—a set of coordinated courses that engages every department on our campus—biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics and humanities, social sciences and the arts. Beyond the Core, more than a quarter of their coursework is completed through courses in the humanities, social sciences and the arts, including a specialization. Students deepen their knowledge in their major field of study and by completing a senior capstone requiring either a research thesis or a Clinic project. Through these experience-based learning opportunities, they live our mission by gaining knowledge and learning to translate it by presenting on campus, to industry partners, or at academic conferences around the world.  

Our staff live our mission by collaborating across departments and offices to support and empower every student so that they can be at their best.  From managing the campus infrastructure to providing a welcoming living, learning and working environment for our community, our staff partner with one another and with the faculty to provide an exceptional experience in our co-curricular and curricular programs. Their dedication to the College makes possible all that we achieve.

Finally, our alumni live our mission every day by being the leaders, inventors and innovators who discover new technologies, cure or develop new treatments for diseases, identify creative solutions to address climate change, launch new companies to address critical societal needs, teach new generations of students, and elevate our culture through innovations in music, theater and film.

For nearly 70 years, our shared focus on our students and our mission has illuminated our path forward. But we’re just getting started. 

As our community unites to dream about what we might achieve over the next decade, we are filled with excitement. We may be small, but that is one of our greatest assets. We are creative and agile. We explore creative solutions to test and improve teaching while elevating our students’ ability to learn and develop as whole people, both in and out of the classroom. We are constantly innovating and improving, and then we share that knowledge so other institutions can help their students as well. 

The deep relationships forged here—among students and faculty, among the liberal arts and STEM disciplines, among teaching and research—help prepare our students to graduate as creative thinkers, leaders and innovators who can collaborate across disciplines and across continents to develop human-centered, novel approaches to address the most important problems impacting the world around them.  

That is how we live our mission. 

And that is why, now, more than ever before, the world needs Harvey Mudd.

Our Vision

Our strategic plan is encapsulated in a simple yet profound vision: STEM for A Better World.

STEM for A Better World carries two essential meanings. 

First, a liberal arts STEM education at Harvey Mudd must seamlessly integrate exceptional curriculum development, teaching and hands-on learning with top-tier residential and co-curricular programming. This combination aims to prepare a diverse group of engaged problem-solvers to lead through today’s most significant challenges. As we look toward the future, the world faces a new array of challenges that demand the ingenuity and leadership of STEM professionals who understand that the humanities, social sciences and the arts power our ability to create technological (or technical) solutions that positively impact society. Some of the most pressing issues include climate change and environmental sustainability, healthcare and biotechnology, the ethical development and use of artificial intelligence and big data, space exploration and technology, cybersecurity and digital privacy, and quantum computing. Addressing these challenges requires interdisciplinary approaches and innovative thinking. The next generation of STEM leaders must blend technical expertise with a deep understanding of ethical, social and environmental considerations to develop solutions that benefit humanity and the planet.

STEM for A Better World also means cultivating good people and responsible citizens of the nation and the world. This means Harvey Mudd must create and nurture a supportive, inclusive, and accessible community of students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds and perspectives who believe that the health, wellbeing and success of every individual matters.  Wherever in the world they call home, our students, faculty and staff now also have a home at Harvey Mudd within our community. We strive to foster a strong culture of care, innovation and collaboration, grounded in personal peace, interpersonal peace and global peace. 

Guiding Statements

Our community has articulated core values, aspirations and priorities essential to achieving our ambitious goals. These guiding statements serve as a foundation for future decision-making, ensuring that we remain aligned with our mission and uphold the principles that define our community. They reflect our commitment to a STEM education that embodies excellence, innovation, inclusivity, and the wellbeing of all members of the Harvey Mudd community.

1. Joyful, Powerful Liberal Arts STEM Education

We celebrate the unique combination of liberal arts and STEM education at Harvey Mudd, offering a joyful and powerful undergraduate learning experience that fosters both technical expertise and broad cultural understanding.

2. Innovation and Scientific Discovery

We are stewards of the innovative spirit that inspired the College’s founding. We believe in the power of scientific discovery and STEM education to address global challenges and are committed to exploring and sharing innovative solutions that enhance our curriculum and pedagogy. We also are stewards of the infrastructure and resources that power the unique curricular and co-curricular experiences we provide. We believe it is imperative to provide the resources and infrastructure to support our students, faculty and staff in order to secure the College’s unique place in liberal arts STEM education for generations to come. 

3. Inclusive Excellence and Social Justice

We are committed to attracting exceptionally talented and diverse students to the College. We are dedicated to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in every aspect of campus life. By emphasizing an exploration of our societal impact, we empower our community to contribute to a more just and peaceful world. 

4. Empowering Faculty as Teacher-Scholars

We are committed to empowering our faculty as teacher-scholars, fostering an environment that supports their professional growth, encourages innovative teaching and advances cutting-edge research. We recognize the importance of faculty development in maintaining academic excellence and enriching the student experience.

5. Teaching and Experiential Learning

Our students come first. Our faculty prioritize creative undergraduate teaching and hands-on learning experiences, offering students a rigorous and challenging STEM curriculum that provides a solid grounding across disciplines. We prepare our students to tackle real-world problems, while equipping them with the skills to lead and to develop innovative solutions to society’s most pressing issues. 

6. Integrity, Shared Governance, and Leadership

We uphold the values of trust, integrity and mutual respect as part of our Honor Code. We are dedicated to shared decision-making, fostering transparency, accountability and engagement across our community. We defend academic freedom and freedom of expression. We believe that by leading with courage and respect we can bring about the structures and relationships that can help support the change we seek in the world.

7. A Healthy and Vibrant Campus Community

We celebrate a culture of fun and camaraderie, where good-natured pranks are embraced as part of our community’s unique tradition. We prioritize the health and wellbeing of all community members, recognizing that personal fulfillment and holistic wellness are integral to academic and professional success. We are committed to creating a vibrant, inclusive residential campus that fosters meaningful connections, supports personal growth and provides a nurturing environment for all. 

8. An Outstanding Place for Staff to Work

We value our professional and academic staff and are dedicated to making Harvey Mudd College an exceptional workplace, empowering our employees by prioritizing their professional and personal growth through comprehensive professional development opportunities and work-life integration, exemplifying healthy excellence in all aspects of work life.

9. Elevating Our Brand and Reputation

We aim to enhance Harvey Mudd’s visibility and reputation, showcasing the College as an extraordinary institution worthy of being recognized and celebrated in the broader educational landscape.

10. Philanthropic Call to Action

We encourage and support a culture of philanthropy, recognizing the vital role that generous contributions play in advancing our mission and providing transformative educational experiences.

The Plan—Four Strategic Goals

The plan is organized into four overarching goals, supported by specific objectives and actions. These goals have been developed via community-wide engagement, working groups and task forces. Some actions have already begun, others continue existing work, and some are still in the early planning stages. The Strategic Plan Steering Committee will monitor progress on these goals and objectives as we move forward. This plan embodies Harvey Mudd College’s commitment to continuous innovation and impactful contributions, solidifying our reputation as a global leader in liberal arts STEM education. Our mission, vision of STEM for A Better World, Guiding Statements, and strategic goals aim to propel innovation in a world that greatly needs Harvey Mudd. 

Goal 1: Innovative and Inclusive Education

We are dedicated to fostering a diverse cohort of engaged STEM leaders through exceptional teaching, learning and research, infusing creativity and innovation throughout our educational experiences.

Objective 1.1
Enhance Innovative Pedagogy and Programs

Establish an Innovation Accelerator to foster the development of new teaching methods, courses and curricula as well as new co-curricular approaches to improving the student experience. This includes creating new institutes and centers of excellence to support faculty, staff and students in pioneering educational approaches to address emerging STEM challenges. This also includes expanding support for undergraduate research, leadership training, Summer Institute, and the Core Impact Course, ensuring these programs are accessible and beneficial to students from all backgrounds.

Objective 1.2
Lead in Climate Education and Sustainability

Continue expansion of the Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment to provide comprehensive education on climate issues. Develop joint majors in Climate + STEM fields, integrating interdisciplinary expertise to address global environmental challenges.

Objective 1.3
Build State-of-the-Art Educational Infrastructure 

Construct a new Science and Engineering Building, a new Residence Hall, and a new Student Union (with support for academic and career development), consistent with the highest “healthy building” principles. These facilities will transform the College’s cutting-edge scholarship and residential opportunities, creating a comprehensively compelling experience for future students. 

Goal 2: Transformative Partnerships and Societal Impact

We will forge new partnerships and strengthen existing innovative and collaborative efforts between Harvey Mudd and The Claremont Colleges, external organizations, businesses and community groups. These partnerships will create a dynamic ecosystem that enhances our students’ educational experiences, strengthens our ability to carry out our mission and drives positive societal impact.

Objective 2.1
Strengthen Collaborative Networks for Educational and Professional Advancement

Review, evaluate, and expand partnerships with corporations, foundations, nonprofits and other entities through the Clinic Program and the Office of Career Services, including exploring ways to offer students a greater variety of opportunities, internships and career placements in high-impact areas, both domestically and internationally.  Explore additional opportunities to partner with other educational institutions, federal and state government organizations, companies, venture capital organizations, and nonprofits to enhance opportunities for research, innovation and societal impact.

Objective 2.2
Foster Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary Education

Develop comprehensive entrepreneurship offerings, including the Entrepreneurship Studio program, in collaboration with companies, venture capital organizations and nonprofits. Explore new joint programs and majors with The Claremont Colleges in interdisciplinary areas like public policy, ethics and STEM disciplines. Create partnerships that allow students to engage with STEM challenges in a global context, promoting a holistic understanding of societal issues.

Goal 3: A Next-Generation Institutional Model

We aim to create a next-generation institutional model by integrating sustainability, financial accessibility, inclusivity and a culture of shared responsibility and philanthropy. This model will focus on reducing our environmental impact, ensuring financial accessibility for all students, fostering an inclusive environment and encouraging community engagement in shaping the College’s future and supporting our mission.

Objective 3.1
Increased Visibility and Support of Our Cause and Vision of STEM for A Better World

Build new approaches to connecting with and engaging alumni, parents and friends designed around Harvey Mudd’s cause of STEM for A Better World and our liberal arts-based, STEM educational approach. We will support and develop a culture of shared responsibility and philanthropy throughout the organization to advance our mission and vision into the future, solidifying Harvey Mudd College’s place in higher education. 

Objective 3.2
Ensure Financial Accessibility and Inclusivity

Eliminate loans from financial aid packages, establish a Secure Scholars Fund to cover students’ indirect costs, and support first-generation and low-income students through funding for the “I’m a First” initiative and the Summer Institute. This will ensure that a Harvey Mudd College education is financially accessible and inclusive, fostering a diverse student body and providing essential resources and mentorship. 

Objective 3.3

An Organization Structured for Sustainability 

Renovate our facilities and incorporate alternative energy sources in alignment with sustainable practices. Integrate sustainability into the College’s structure and operations to reduce our long-term environmental footprint. 

Objective 3.4

Policies and Practices for Efficient and Effective Work

Enhance our operational efficiency to better support both new and ongoing projects. Invest in faculty and staff recruiting and retention as well as ongoing learning and development, while streamlining processes and systems to make our work more efficient and impactful.

Goal 4: A Thriving and Engaged Community

We will empower our students, alumni, professional staff and faculty to lead fulfilling lives and make positive contributions to our campus and to society. Our central campus will provide the physical space and programmatic and staffing infrastructure to give Mudders social and cultural support as well as the tools with which to build meaningful lives.

Objective 4.1
Strengthen Collaboration and Community Engagement

Enhance our collaborative and socially engaged nature with the Office of Civic and Community Engagement. Build students’ citizenship and global awareness through local, regional and global outreach, fostering a community that values diverse perspectives to enable creative problem-solving.

Objective 4.2
Support Holistic Wellbeing and Personal Growth

Develop new support programs to encourage student flourishing through the Office of Wellbeing to provide comprehensive support for students’ personal and academic journeys, promoting a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives. Strengthen and celebrate athletics at all levels, from varsity (CMS Athletics) to club sports and intramurals, as a mechanism of health, teamwork and leadership.

Objective 4.3
Nurture Self-Discovery and Goal Setting

Empower students to explore and integrate their personal philosophies, career interests and the HMC mission with the aim of helping students design fulfilling lives and align their activities with their values and goals. 

Objective 4.4
Empower Faculty and Staff Development

Prioritize the professional and personal growth of faculty and staff by offering comprehensive professional development opportunities and work-life integration initiatives. Foster a supportive and inclusive workplace environment, empowering faculty and staff to excel in their careers while maintaining a sense of fulfillment and connection to the Harvey Mudd community.

A Note on the Journey Ahead

It is a fundamental truth that institutions, like individuals, are always in a state of becoming.

At Harvey Mudd College, we honor a rich legacy that has brought us to this present moment—a juncture between what we are and what we aspire to be. Our mission, deeply rooted in the integration of the sciences, engineering, mathematics and the liberal arts, will continue to guide us as we reimagine our role in today’s world and for the future.

For us, this HMC Strategy: 2024-2033—STEM for A Better World embodies our mission, bringing it to life for today’s needs as well as for the challenges ahead. It bridges our storied past to our innovative future, focusing on both our enduring long-term goals and the immediate needs of the students we educate today.

While we cannot provide a precise roadmap for the decade ahead—no map can predict every twist and turn—as a community, we know our destination. 

In this document, you therefore find a Strategy that tells our story, shares our vision, outlines our guiding statements, and presents four overarching goals. The strategy is responsive by design—a living document to guide us through an ever-evolving world. 

As Harvey Mudd College continues to grow and evolve, we remain committed to our mission—a mission that has never been more vital. This strategy is our call to action, a blueprint for embracing our role as a leader in liberal arts STEM education and for making a lasting impact on the world.

Together, let us embrace this journey with optimism, courage, determination and a shared dedication to excellence. Together, let us continue propelling innovation as we push the frontiers of knowledge and inspire future generations of things and leaders. Together, let’s soar to even greater heights!

Yours in the journey,
