Innovation Showcase

STEM education. Evolved.

Innovation Showcase

Harvey Mudd to hold its first Innovation Showcase April 4

Join us for the College’s first Innovation Showcase and learn more about the Innovation Accelerator projects selected to advance to the seed stage of funding. Six teams, consisting of faculty, staff and alumni collaborators, will present their Innovation Accelerator projects to the community and external stakeholders, and up to four projects will be chosen to continue. Join our community as we celebrate these innovative ideas, imagine Harvey Mudd’s campus of the future, and celebrate some of our most innovative accomplishments in curricular development and pedagogy. It’s all part of how Harvey Mudd College is advancing STEM for a Better World.

2025 Event Details

Innovation Showcase

April 4, 2025

Join us for a day that includes a welcome address from President Nembhard, Innovation Accelerator proposal pitches from our six teams, an overview of Harvey Mudd’s campus master plan, presentations that highlight HMC’s curricular advances in STEM and a digital poster session with the IA teams.

Email to learn more about registration. Attendance at this event is limited to HMC community members and invited guests.

Special Sessions

Building Our Future Campus

Learn more about our goal to build a state-of-the-art educational infrastructure, including how we hope to construct a magnificent new Science and Engineering Building as well as a new Residence Hall and Student Union focused on healthy living and healthy building principles. Learn more about our aspirations to transform the College’s cutting-edge scholarship and residential opportunities, creating a comprehensively compelling experience for our future students.

Innovation Accelerator Pitches

Hear six innovative ideas from teams of faculty, staff and alumni aimed at creating educational and co-curricular experiences that infuse creativity, innovation and inclusivity. These initiatives aim to close historical performance gaps, enhance student mastery and wellbeing, and ensure the material we teach addresses pressing global challenges.

Academic Spotlight: Advances in STEM Pedagogy

For 70 years, Harvey Mudd College has pioneered STEM-focused liberal arts education through transformative teaching methods, curricula and co-curricular programs. Learn how our initiatives have closed historical performance gaps, enhanced student mastery and ensured the material we teach addresses pressing global challenges.

Showcase Schedule