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SOAR Analysis

A SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results) analysis is a strategic planning tool that uses an appreciative inquiry lens to buttress the positive aspects of the College and its community through the strategic planning process. It is a strengths-based, whole systems approach to building strategic capacity. The output from a SOAR analysis provides a basis for further in-depth analysis using other enterprise tools.

At Harvey Mudd College, members of the community were asked to consider these key areas:

  • Strengths: What does Harvey Mudd College do well and what are its key assets and accomplishments?
  • Opportunities: What are the circumstances HMC could leverage to improve its opportunities to be successful? Consider the partnerships, changes and trends in alignment with capabilities, and the needs and wants we are currently not fulfilling for both our internal and external stakeholders.
  • Aspirations: What would we like to achieve in the future? Consider the things we are passionate about, what the College should look like in the future, how we can make a difference in higher education and in the world, and what actions we can take to support our best future community.
  • Results: What are the tangible outcomes that will demonstrate that HMC has been successful in achieving its goals and aspirations. What indicators will tell us that we are on track to achieve extraordinary success?

Inputs from the SOAR analysis sessions were combined and synthesized to form the foundation for the College’s strategic plan priorities.

Review the SOAR Analysis (Requires HMC login)