DSA Point of Contact
Academic Deans | academicdeans@g.hmc.edu | |
Academic Resources | Carrie Tamayo | 909.607.4011 catamayo@g.hmc.edu |
Accessibility | access@g.hmc.edu | |
Accommodations | access@g.hmc.edu | |
Affinity Groups | OID@hmc.edu | |
America Reads/Counts | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Anti-Racist Series | OID@hmc.edu | |
ASHMC | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
ASHMC | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
BASICS | Office of Wellbeing | wellbeing@g.hmc.edu |
Bystander Education | Dean of Students | 909.621.8125 dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Campus Life | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Campus Life | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
Care Team | Michelle Harrrison | 909.621.8013 mharrison@hmc.edu |
Case Management | Michelle Harrison | 909.621.8013 mharrison@hmc.edu |
Career Services – Director | Shannon Braun | 909.607.2964 sbraun@g.hmc.edu |
Career Services – Employee Relations | Jeanette Martinez | 909.621.8091 jeamartinez@hmc.edu |
Career Services – Advising | Alyssa Gee | 909.607.3470 algee@hmc.edu |
Career Services – Advising | Natasha Jones | 909.607.7826 natjones@hmc.edu |
CASICS | Office of Wellbeing | wellbeing@hmc.edu |
CLERY Compliance | Veronica Clairmont | 909.621.8125 vclairmont@g.hmc.edu |
Clubs and Organizations | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Civic Learning and Engagement initiatives | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
Commencement | Dean of Students | 909.621.8125 dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Community-based Learning | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
Community Engagement Faculty Fellowship Fund (CEFF) | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
Community Engagement Opportunities | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Community Partner Liaison | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) | DSO@g.hmc.edu |
Dean Chris desk at the Hoch | Chris Sundberg | csundberg@hmc.edu |
Dean of Students | Cindy Martinez | dean_of_students@hmc.edu |
Demonstration Policy | Dean of Students | dean_of_students@hmc.edu |
Diversity Initiatives | OID@hmc.edu | |
Driver authorization (HMC vehicles) | Elizabeth Alvarado-Ramirez | 909.607.7916 ealvaradoramirez@hmc.edu |
Emergency Student Loans | Cindy Martinez | dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Family Relations | parents@hmc.edu | |
First Generation Students | OID@hmc.edu | |
Flyer and Poster Approval | Elizabeth Alvarado-Ramirez | 909.607.7916 ealvaradoramirez@hmc.edu |
F-1 Visas | DSO@g.hmc.edu |
Health Insurance | Dean of Students | 909.621.8125 dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Homework Hotline | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Honor Code | Judiciary Board (JB) Chair | jb@g.hmc.edu |
Honor Code | Disciplinary board (DB) Chair | db@g.hmc.edu |
Housing and Residential Life | Karen Romero Sandoval | 909.621.8794 ksandoval@g.hmc.edu |
Housing and Residential Life | Vanessa Vallejo | 909.607.6418 vvallejo@hmc.edu |
Housing and Residential Life | General email | ResLife@hmc.edu |
IDEA Committee | Kathy Van Heuvelen | vanheuvelen@hmc.edu |
I’m A First Initiative | OID@hmc.edu | |
International Students | DSO@g.hmc.edu |
Justice Education | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
J-1 Visas | DSO@g.hmc.edu |
Leadership Awards | Dean of Students | 909.621.8125 dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Leave of Absence | Amy Bibbens | 909.607.4011 abibbens@hmc.edu |
Leonard Fund | Elizabeth Alvarado-Ramirez | 909.607.7916 ealvaradoramirez@hmc.edu |
Linde Activities Center (LAC) | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Mental Health First Aid | Office of Wellbeing | wellbeing@hmc.edu |
Mudders Mentoring Mudders (M3) | OID@hmc.edu |
Napier Initiative (courses and student fellowship program) | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
New International Students and Scholars Orientation (NISSO) | DSO@g.hmc.edu | |
Notary Services | Elizabeth Alvarado-Ramirez | 909.607.7916 ealvaradoramirez@hmc.edu |
Off-Campus Student Events (CAP) | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Off-Campus Student Events (CAP) | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
On-Call | Karen Romero Sandoval | 909.621.8794 ksandoval@hmc.edu |
Optional Practical Training (OPT) | DSO@g.hmc.edu | |
Orientation | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Orientation | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
Parking Exemptions for Freshmen | Cindy Martinez | dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Parties and Large Student Events | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
Peer Health Educators | Dominique White | 909.607.4101 dowhite@hmc.edu |
Project Connect | Dominique White | 909.607.4101 dowhite@hmc.edu |
Projects for Peace | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Residential Life | Please see Housing and Residential Life | ResLife@hmc.edu |
Service Learning | Gabriela Gamiz | 909.607.4575 ggamiz@hmc.edu |
SSNs for International Students | DSO@g.hmc.edu | |
Student Activities | Chris Sundberg | 909.621.8757 csundberg@hmc.edu |
Student Activities | Alyssa Palos | 909.607.1479 apalos@g.hmc.edu |
Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP) | Dean of Students | 909.621.8125 dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Student Reimbursements (non-Student Account) | Elizabeth Alvarado-Ramirez | 909.607.7916 ealvaradoramirez@hmc.edu |
Student Opportunity Fund | Cindy Martinez | dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu |
Student Success | Amy Bibbens | 909.607.4011 abibbens@hmc.edu |
Study Abroad | Sarah Repetto | StudyAbroad@hmc.edu |
Summer Institute | OID@hmc.edu | |
Summer Funding Opportunities | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Title IX | Alyssa Gee (Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students) | 909.607.3470 algee@hmc.edu |
Title IX | Danny Ledezma (Title IX Coordinator) | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Title IX | Haley Phillips (Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees) | 909.607.4096 hphillips@hmc.edu |
Transfer Student (co-curricular programming) | OID@hmc.edu | |
Travel Signatures for International Students | DSO@g.hmc.edu |
Voices of Engagement | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Voter Engagement Programs | Danny Ledezma | 909.607.4025 dledezma@hmc.edu |
Wellbeing | Michelle Harrison | 909.621.8013 mharrison@hmc.edu |
Wellbeing | Dominique White | 909.607.4101 dowhite@hmc.edu |