Orientation Deadlines

All deadlines for forms and documents are listed by due date and should be returned to the corresponding office in the information below.
Note: The mailing address for Harvey Mudd College is: 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711.
Canvas Site
- A Canvas checklist site will be launched in early June for all incoming students. This site will include orientation content as well as a checklist of all deadlines. Link to this site coming soon.
June 1
Enrollment Form
- Verify your enrollment information (name, address, ID, email, etc), upload photo for ID, enroll in emergency notification, and introduction to other next steps to complete your enrollment to HMC.
- Available Starting: May 17, 2024 and due June 1, 2024 for incoming first years and June 15, 2024 for transfer students.
- To complete your family information form go to the HMC Applicant Hub.
Family Information Form
- Verify or add your family information so the College can keep them up-to-date on events and developments at HMC.
- Available Starting: July 29, 2024 and due August 5, 2024 for incoming first years and August 5, 2024 for transfer students.
- To complete your family information form go to the HMC Applicant Hub.
June 10
Tuition Payment Agreement
Form submission available after May 15. All incoming students are required to submit a Tuition Payment Agreement (TPA).
Substitute W-9S Form (PDF) (Student Only)
Only incoming students who did not provide their SSN or ITIN on the Common Application or FAFSA, or those who provided invalid SSNs or ITINs will be required to submit this form. Please do not submit this form unless you have received a request from the Office of Student Accounts. An email will be sent in mid/late May to the students who are required to submit this form.
The United States Internal Revenue Service requires the university to collect the name, social security number (SSN), and dollar amount of all students’ qualifying payments and report that information on IRS Form IRS Form 1098-T (PDF). This information provides the IRS with a basis for amounts claimed by a taxpayer as qualifying expenditures for higher education tax credits such as the American Opportunity Credit. Even if you are not eligible for any education tax credits, IRS regulations stipulate that a 1098-T be issued for any student who has qualified charges, regardless of your eligibility for the tax credit. Failure to provide us with a SSN may result in the student being fined by the IRS in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 6723 (PDF).
Since this form contains your SSN or ITIN, for security reasons, please DO NOT EMAIL the Substitute W-9S or attach the Substitute W-9S to an email. Please mail this in with your Tuition Payment Agreement (or alone) to:
Harvey Mudd College Student Accounts
301 Platt Blvd.
Claremont, CA 91711
Questions should be directed to the Office of Student Accounts at 909.621.8107 or student_accounts@hmc.edu.
June 30
Housing Agreement 2024–2025 Academic Year and Roommate Matching Form
Each Harvey Mudd student living on campus is required to read and sign the housing agreement. The 2024–2025 Housing Contract and Roommate Matching Form will be available for all incoming students on StarRez starting on May 24, 2024, and will be due on June 30, 2024. Please follow the instructions on this page to login to StarRez and complete your housing agreement and roommate matching form.
Questions should be directed to the Office of Housing and Residential Life at 909.621.8125 or ResLife@g.hmc.edu.
Please note: Students who will be under the age of 18 at the time of move-in will need to have a parent/legal guardian sign the contract before the end of Orientation.
Late June
Academic Updates
Please visit this website to access an academic welcome letter from Professor Darryl Yong which has important information about course registration and placement.
July 1
Final grades and high school transcripts
You must submit an official final high school and/or college transcript to the Office of Admission. Your admission and final enrollment at Harvey Mudd are contingent on the successful completion of the spring term. Questions should be directed to the Office of Admission at 909.621.8011 or admission@hmc.edu. Transcripts should be mailed to: Harvey Mudd College Office of Admission 301 Platt Boulevard Claremont, CA 91711
Consent to Treat a Minor 2024-2025
If you will be under 18 years old on the date you arrive at Mudd, your parent or guardian must complete this form. Since hospitals cannot treat minors without the consent of a parent or guardian, this mandatory form allows you to receive emergency medical treatment in the event a parent or guardian cannot be reached. You can email the completed and signed form to orientationadventures@g.hmc.edu. Questions should be directed to the Division of Students Affairs at 909.621.8125.
Student Health Services (SHS) and Monsour Counseling Psychological Services (MCAPS) Incoming Student Requirements/Recommendations
Student Health Services (SHS) and Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) would like to welcome you to our campus. All entering Claremont Colleges Undergraduate/Transfer students have pre-arrival health and immunization requirements that must be completed prior to the start of their first term at The Claremont Colleges. You can find specific instructions and links to submit your requirements here.
Official English Proficiency Exam Score (if applicable)
If you were required to demonstrate proficiency in English during your application, we require official DET, IELTS, or TOEFL scores to be sent to the Office of Admission.
To view that we’ve received your official scores go to your deposit checklist in the HMC Applicant Hub . For more details see the admission site.
Official ACT/SAT Score (if applicable)
If you requested that your ACT/SAT scores be considered in your application, we require official ACT and/or SAT scores to be sent to the Office of Admission
To view that we’ve received your official scores go to your deposit checklist in the HMC Applicant Hub.
July 8
Course Option Survey
Fill out this survey about your preferred course options for Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Math. The form also includes information on advanced placement. You must fill out this survey even if you don’t intend to place out of any Core courses.
August 1
Physics Diagnostic Exam
Before August 1,Before August 1, please set aside 90 minutes to take this Physics diagnostic. This diagnostic will help us make advising decisions for your Physics courses next Spring. You do not need to study or prepare for it. The diagnostic is not graded. It just helps us give you better advice for future semesters. The Physics diagnostic uses a different login system than Canvas. You will receive an email about how to login to the system from Prof. Saeta (saeta@hmc.edu). Remember to click on “This is my first time logging in” to first create an account on the Physics system.
CS Placement Survey
Before August 1, complete the CS Placement Survey if you wish to take any introductory Computer Science (CS) course besides CS 5 “Gold.” (Login to Gradescope using the “School Credentials” option.) This placement survey is appropriate for anyone who has significant computer programming experience. It is ungraded, and there is no need to study, but it will help ensure you are placed in the section of introductory CS that you will find most useful and interesting.
Students who do not fill out this survey will be automatically enrolled in “CS 5 Gold” (which is aimed at students who either have no previous CS experience, or whose only experience is the CS AP Principles course). If this sounds right for you, there is no need to fill out the placement survey.
September 13
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
The 2024 – 2025 Waiver Portal will be available from May 5, 2024 to Sept. 13, 2024 for incoming and returning students
Note: All International Students will be required to enroll in SHIP and will not be able to “waive” out.
What is SHIP?
SHIP is a health insurance plan designed just for students attending The Claremont Colleges. The plan is available to protect your educational future. If you get sick or injured, insufficient health insurance can lead to financial hardships that can threaten your ability to attend class, pay tuition, get student loans or live away from home. Having health insurance helps to ensure that you are able to stay in school, so you can graduate and achieve your personal goals. SHIP is available to all matriculated domestic students and all international students attending on a student visa (F-1,J-1 or M-1).
Am I required to have health insurance?
Yes. All continuing students or newly matriculated students are required to have health insurance coverage. You will be automatically enrolled in SHIP, unless proof of comparable coverage is provided and a waiver is submitted by the waiver deadline date. If you have other insurance—such as coverage as a dependent under a parent’s or spouse’s insurance plan—and you do not wish to enroll in SHIP, you may submit a waiver application. Please note: International students are not allowed to waive SHIP.
What is a health insurance waiver application?
A health insurance waiver application is a form that you fill out if you have other qualifying health insurance and do not wish to be enrolled in SHIP. You can submit an online waiver application. As part of the waiver process, you are required to provide specific information about your insurance coverage, which will be verified by the school or a designated waiver administrator.
Does my other insurance qualify?
If you wish to waive SHIP because you have other insurance, benefits under that plan must meet the following requirements:
- Coverage must be continuous (no break or termination) for the entire academic year, effective Aug. 1, 2024 for all students.
- Maximum lifetime benefit must be unlimited.
- Deductible must be $1,000 or less per policy year.
- Claims must be paid by a U.S.-based company and the underwriting company must be owned, operated and headquartered in the U.S. and must be in full compliance with all applicable federal laws.
Your insurance coverage will be verified. Students who are covered under a health insurance plan that does not meet all of the applicable requirements will not be allowed to waive out of SHIP.
Should I waive SHIP?
If you have other coverage that meets the waiver criteria, it is your decision whether to waive SHIP. However, here are some important things to consider first:
- SHIP may be less expensive than being insured on an individual plan or as a dependent on an employer group plan through your parents or spouse. When comparing costs, be sure to look at premiums, deductibles, co-payments and out-of-pocket maximums.
- SHIP has a local PPO provider network. If you have out-of-state coverage, or HMO or PPO coverage with a limited provider area, there may not be any network providers near school. You may have to pay higher out-of-network co-payments, deductibles or co-insurance.
Please note: If you waive coverage under SHIP, you are responsible for any medical costs you incur.
How often do I have to submit a waiver application?
Students who wish to waive out of SHIP must complete the online application once each academic year by the deadline date.
What happens if I don’t waive by the deadline date?
Students who do not submit a waiver application by the deadline date (Sept. 13, 2024) will be automatically enrolled in SHIP. The fee for the 2024–2025 coverage year will be coming soon. At time of publication, the estimated cost is $3,100. This fee will be billed to your student account. Coverage for all students will run from Aug. 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025.
If my insurance coverage starts after the semester begins, can I get a refund?
If it is past the waiver deadline, your SHIP coverage remains in place and you will have to wait until next academic year to waive out of SHIP. No refunds will be issued.
What if I successfully waive out of SHIP, then lose my other coverage?
You may enroll in SHIP mid-year if you waived out but later lost coverage through no fault of your own, such as coverage that terminates due to loss of employment (by your spouse or parent) or by reaching an age limit set by the plan. This does not include coverage that has a predetermined termination date, expiration of COBRA eligibility or coverage that has been voluntarily or inadvertently terminated by you (by quitting a job or missing an enrollment deadline, for instance). To enroll mid-year after an involuntary loss of coverage, you must notify Student Health Services and submit proof of loss of coverage within 31 days of termination of said coverage. You will be charged the full cost of the term in which you are enrolling in SHIP. General questions regarding health insurance may be directed to Kim Nykanen in the division of student affairs at 909.621.8125 or knykanen@hmc.edu. For more information on your student account, please contact Patricia Wang in Student Accounts at 909.621.8107 or pwang@hmc.edu.
For more information on SHIP and dates the waiver portal will open please see our Student Health Insurance page.
Received Checklist
Please be sure to carefully review the list of required incoming students’ forms and materials before starting at Harvey Mudd College.
- Enrollment Form
- Tuition Payment Agreement
- Housing Contract & Roommate Matching Form
- Student Health Services Information Forms
- Consent to Treatment of a Minor (required for minors only)
- Final High School Transcript
- Official English Proficiency Exam Score (If applicable)
- Official SAT/ACT Score (If applicable)
- Family Information Form
- Course Option Survey
- CS Placement Survey
- Physic Diagnostic Exam
- Health Insurance Waivers (for those not enrolling in SHIP)
Please allow up to a week for forms to be received by the proper office, as well as for additional website updates. Forms not sent to the Division of Student Affairs may experience delays in being tallied. The Division of Student Affairs office is maintaining an internal checklist and will notify you of missing forms. If you have any questions, contact orientationadventures@g.hmc.edu.
Unsure about something? Contact a staff member.
Chris Sundberg
Associate Dean for Campus Life
Alyssa Palos
Assistant Director of Campus Life