Orientation FAQs
When do I need to arrive?
Proposed dates (dates are subject to change):
- New Incoming student move in will be Thursday, Aug. 21, 2025
- NSO will take place from Aug. 21–24, 2025
Where do I go when I get there?
A registration and welcome table will be set up at the Linde Activities Center. Please come to this location first. An Orientation Mentor will meet you there, take you to your residence hall and help you get set up. The registration table will be open from 8–11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 21.
I’m flying in: Which airport is closest to Harvey Mudd?
The closest airport to the College is Ontario International Airport, located about 10 miles from campus. The cost of an airline ticket to fly to/from Ontario is generally comparable to the cost of an airline ticket to fly to/from Los Angeles International Airport, which is approximately 50 miles away.
Do you have a shuttle service that can pick me up from the Ontario Airport?
Below you will find transportation companies and options for the airports nearest to campus which are Ontario International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport:
A resource list of shuttles that students can utilize from LAX / Ontario
Address for Harvey Mudd College: 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA 91711
Ontario Airport
Prime Time Shuttle
DrivenLux Chauffeured Limousine of Ontario
LAX Airport
Prime Time Shuttle
All Southern California Airports
Prime Time Shuttle
I’ll be arriving in Claremont before Orientation. Can I move into my room early, or at least store my stuff there?
For early arrival questions please email the Residential Life Team at reslife@g.hmc.edu.
I’ll be arriving on time: How do I get my stuff from the car to the residence hall room?
More information will be sent via email by July 31st.
Will I have time during Orientation to set up a bank account, buy my books or go shopping to get things I forgot?
There will be some time for you to take care of personal business during breaks in the Orientation schedule. You can also use this day to set up your bank account, buy books, and so forth, if you were not able to do so earlier.
I’m buying a round-trip ticket: When should I book a return flight?
Finals are the week of December 9–13, 2024. Your last final will, at the latest, be on Friday afternoon, December 13. The residence halls close for students at 8 a.m. on Saturday, December 14. Therefore, the latest we recommend you book your flight home would be Saturday, December 14, departing before 8 a.m.
Can I ship things to the College rather than fly or drive with them?
We provide a designated storage area for parcels in the Platt Campus Center. Due to space and security limitations, we can only receive and hold packages that arrive at the College after August 1. Please work backwards from this date to calculate when you should send your package (based on distance and shipping method). We recommend that you use UPS, which has daily deliveries to Platt Campus Center. Starting with your name and mailbox number (if you have it), use the following address and format:
Wally the Wart #3.14
Harvey Mudd College
340 E. Foothill Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711
Please make sure your packages arrive after August 1.
What should I bring? What size sheets do I need? Can I bring my pet iguana?
The Orientation Directors (ODs) are teaming together to publish some need-to-know information you will likely find useful. The “Lookbook,” a student publication, will also be helpful in understanding Harvey Mudd culture and the residential environment. In the meantime, you should check the Residence Hall Information for answers to many questions.
When will I know who my roommate is and which residence hall I’ll be living in?
Once you have completed your Roommate Matching form, the matching team will make the placements. You will receive an assignment letter that tells you your residence hall and room number, as well as roommate name and email. You should receive this letter by July 31. At that time, we encourage you to contact your new roommate, get to know one another and start talking about possessions that can be shared or consolidated in your room (e.g. refrigerator).
What will my mailing address be?
All students at Mudd receive their mail at the following address:
Harvey Mudd College
340 E. Foothill Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711
A full, proper name is a must, however—we’ll be stumped by a package addressed to “Snoogle’ums.” Each student will be assigned a mailbox number, which should be included in the address. For example, if you wanted to send Wally the Wart (mailbox number 3.14), the address would be:
Wally the Wart #3.14
Harvey Mudd College
340 E. Foothill Boulevard
Claremont, CA 91711
Is it true freshmen or first-year students are not allowed to bring cars?
Based on the College’s agreement with the City, first-year students are prohibited from bringing vehicles to campus. However, a few exceptions can be made each year for students who demonstrate need according to established guidelines. The exact number of exceptions is governed by the City of Claremont municipal code Chapter 16.069 Institutional Districts, Section 16.069.090 Parking, which reads:
“The Community Development Director shall grant a reduction in the amount of required student parking when an undergraduate College Institution submits proof to the Director that the college has adopted a written policy prohibiting all members of an incoming or continuing academic year class (e.g. freshman, sophomore, etc.) from parking motor vehicles on campus The policy shall contain a description of the measures that are in place and enforced by the college and may contain exemptions for up to five percent (5%) of the students in any academic year class subject to the policy, for various reasons including mobility limitations, students residing off-campus, or other hardships identified in the policy.”
Each year, the Business Affairs Office notifies the Dean of Students Office how many exemptions are available for that year, based on enrollment. First-year students who wish to request an exemption and receive a parking permit should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. Exemptions will be granted at the discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, with priority given to medical needs. In order to remain in compliance with the City, the 5% cap on exemptions cannot be exceeded and, therefore, no additional permits beyond the allowable limit will be issued. Consequently, it may be necessary to prioritize the list of approved students, including revoking previous approvals in the event the 5% cap is reached.
To request an exemption from the first year parking policy please email the Dean of Students Office at dean_of_students@g.hmc.edu.
Can international students come early if they haven’t had two vaccinations?
Must be up to date with Covid-19 vaccines.
Will fall athletes be able to move in earlier than the move in date?
Yes, based on CMS protocols. If your students early fall athletes, please make sure they contact their coaches to determine when their move-in dates are.
Do we give travel reimbursements to get to Mudd in August?
Most students who receive a need-based aid package will have the cost of two round trip tickets between their home and campus (one ticket to get to campus and one to return home for the winter break) included. The amount provided in your aid package is based on where you live and the distance from your home to the campus.
I still have a question. Whom should I contact?
Feel free to email us at orientationadventures@g.hmc.edu.
Residential Life (Housing) Questions
Karen Romero Sandoval, Associate Dean of Students & Director of Residential Life, 909.607.1479, ksandoval@hmc.edu.
Vanessa Vallejo, Assistant Dean for Campus & Residential Life, 909.607.6418, vvallejo@g.hmc.edu.
You may also email the residential life team at reslife@g.hmc.edu.